
Gaudi Olympics at Hofpause in Tripkau

Gaudi Olympics at Hofpause in Tripkau

Numbered Bechers stand on one, and heavily grübelnde Menschen stand in front of it. Was not available in the first line after the sport, the part of the Gaudi Olympiad, which is a component of the Dorffestes “Grote Hofpauze”. If you are gilded with a stacking pyramid, the parts are now no longer displayed and your marks are no longer visible.

Die Dorfkinder on Tour at the Gaudi Olympiad

Die Dorfkinder on Tour at the Gaudi Olympiad (Photo: Silk Ross)

Mannschaftsnamen sind Teil der Olympiaden-Idee

The bands with sonorous names like “Dorfkinder on Tour” or “Beach Boys”, “Traktor” or “Sunshines” are the best, one of the most popular they have ever received.

Hofpause finds an ehemaligen Schulhof statement

The amended changes are called upon in all alternative classes. The “Hofpause” hat in the name of the Veranstaltungssortering, since 2012, found its place on the Platz glove in his or her state, on the other Schule stand.

Ein Fest von der Gemeinde für die Gemeinde

Organizing and organizing the “Hofpause” of Carneval Club Tripkau (CCT), the Feuerwehr- and Sports Association, is the “Hofpause” in Dorffest in the best sin. The Macher hinted at one point at Herzblut in the event. The brands and treasures that are guests. Because we can all have a Spa, it is a Hüpfburg for the Kleinsten and for the Erwachsenen of the Menge Spa.

Essen, Trinken und drumherum sportliche und playful Höhepunkte - de Hofpause trotzt dem schlechten Wetter.

Essen, Trinken und drumherum sportliche und playful Höhepunkte – de Hofpause trotzt dem schlechten Wetter. (Photo: Silk Ross)

Mitmachen ist alles – Gewinnen tun irgendwie alle

That is a great experience, where Gaudi-Olympiad in Sonnabend or zum Dorf-Theater in Sonntag is loaded. If you bring the Tripkauer Laienschauspieler a Stück to the stage, you will experience Fall Herzschmerz, Spannung and all the notnauwen dramaturgische Elemente enthält. The Mischung, the Witz and the Akribie of the Organizers make the Reiz der Veranstaltung possible.

The Beach Boys are busy with the young men, after the Gaudi Olympiad has visited all the alternative groups.

The Beach Boys are busy with the young men, after the Gaudi Olympiad has visited all the alternative groups. (Photo: Silk Ross)

Wetter und Feuerwehreinsatz vermiesen de Laune nicht

In those years when the rain no longer exists, there is a sudden fire brigade re-instatement in the power of life, while the party on the other side of the fire brigade comrades will be more, then the happiness will relatively quickly take on another dimension.