
War for Ravensburg in the Bundestag?

War for Ravensburg in the Bundestag?

If the CDU in the Wahlkreis Ravensburg arranges the new Bundestagwahl in Rennen, it will be separated. Die Partei trifft sich in Baienfurt zur Nominierungsversammlung. This is the case: the entire war is separated from the CDU-Mitglieder-heute, where the region is in the Bundestag vertritt from 2025 to 2029. Zum Wahlkreis Ravensburg is quickly in the Landkreis. Visit Bad Wurzach, Kißlegg, Aitrach and Aichstetten, which visit the Wahlkreis Biberach.

Were the men wool for the region?

Pleasurable questions are also among the candidates: the Amtsinhaber Axel Müller from the Weingarten and the Herausforderer Jürgen Weishaupt from Tettnang. Why did both CDU men die? What do they want to achieve for the region? Which vision has the task of protecting the waiter? If the statistics of the CDU advocate are viewed, the Gründung of the Bundesrepublik has been abolished in parliament, which makes the interest interesting.

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The CDU candidates remain silent

However, few of the two candidates enter into war in Vorfeld with an interview. Jürgen Weishaupt erklärt, “that is truly not soul-loving”. The Geschäftsführer of the Tettnanger Hopfenpflanzverbands has authorized the Ortsverbänden in Wahlkreis Angebote zum Kennenlernen and zum Austausch, it says.

Jürgen Weishaupt, Geschäftsführer of the Tettnanger Hopfenpflanzerverbands, will appear for the Ravensburger CDU in the Bundestag.

Jürgen Weishaupt, Geschäftsführer of the Tettnanger Hopfenpflanzerverbands, will appear for the Ravensburger CDU in the Bundestag. (Photo: Linda Egger)

And Axel Müller? “Ist sehr beschäftigt”, lässt is über seinen Büroleiter miteilen. In the two weeks that they were nominated, Müller no longer felt like an interview. Statistics are the fragments of the editors that have been written geschickt bekommen.

Openness will also, according to the will of all parties, come with little of an inner partisan conflict. It is a good idea to do that in a different way for a year.

Weishaupt’s Bewerbung war an Überraschung

Well, the Bewerbung of Jürgen Weishaupt war a Überraschung. If you notice that the collection with a multiple of your person can be overloaded, it is more vulnerable. Denn der Tettnanger has again in Schussental nor in Allgäu a Hausmacht. A politician-profi has never been one of the kommunalers of Ebene who at the community council in Tettnang as at the Kreistagswahl in the soil research trip by the Agrar-manager has fallen.

Schrauben is Axel Müllers' hobby. With a small Kaffee-Anhänger war there is a Wahlkampf on the way.

Schrauben is Axel Müllers’ hobby. With a small Kaffee-Anhänger war there is a Wahlkampf on the way. (Photo: Archive/Every Observer)

Müller won the last Wahl

Axel Müller is again for the Weingartener Gemeinderat nor for the Ravensburger Kreistag at the Kommunalwahl. At the passages of the Bundestagswahl it is a fact that Persons-Wahlkampf geführt. His 30.06 Percent of the first votes were historically bad. One of the manchen that a head-to-head race with the green Mitbewerberin Agnieszka Brugger (21.1 Percent) has written, does not go further – and when, how Müller is clearly won.

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Directly chosen in opposition

In the first period of the blessing period from 2017 to 2021, Axel Müller was set up as a Wahlkreis-Kümmerer in Szene – and a supporter of the Bund in the region. This is a blow if the opposition politics does not work. The governing Ampel has also stepped down in Ravensburg above the regional leaders with Agnieszka Brugger and with Heike Engelhardt (SPD) and Benjamin Strasser (FDP). Axel Müller has aligned himself in the years of a new role as a well-founded public policy. The current CDU has placed the lawyers on the advisory board of the Oberschwabenklinik.

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If it’s still an exciting war

Zeitreise: Busweise since the CDU-Mitglieder am 7. July 2012 nach Ravensburg gefahren. Knapp 1100 was at Ende in the Oberschwabenhalle. There were additional extra components to the participation, one of the nominated benefits in kind of the duration. Das Bewerberfeld wargroß. Neben Spaß-Kandidat Alexander Miele en dem (an jenem Tag wiedergewählten, inzwischen verstorbenen) Bundestagsabgeordneten Andreas Schockenhoff was also present in 2012 Axel Müller in the Ring.

A celebration of inner democracy!

war die Nominierung im Jahr 2012

Favorite among Schockenhoff’s wartime Herausforderern from the leutselige Wangener Gastwirt Hans-Jörg “Leo” Leonhardt with its own property in the “Allgäu-gegen-Schussental” Campaign. Together with the former Green-Bundestagsabgeordnete Oswald Metzger and the erzconservative Bodnegger Eugen Abler are among the first of three Wahlgängen respectable Ergebnisse. It is a war “a celebration of domestic democracy”, entitled the “Schwäbische Zeitung” in the future.

A great Bewerberfeld war for the years in the Oberschwabenhalle in the Bühne.

A great Bewerberfeld war for the years in the Oberschwabenhalle in the Bühne. (Photo: Annette Vincenz)

Raimund Haser hat in Stuttgart nor fell vor

Why is the CDU not celebrating today’s festival anymore? One of the copper mishaps is not personal, but a bookmark on the personal tableau of today’s Christian democracy says. Raimund Haser was one of the best faction leaders of the CDU in the Stuttgarter Landtag.

Problem: If you live in the Landes-CDU so quickly, you will never have to miss it. Außerdem is gilded as Vertrauter von Landeschef Manuel Hagel. Wenn’s Hagel zum Prime Minister brought, while Haser fell Minister, mutmaßen in Allgäu fell CDU-Anhänger. There are state secretaries dealing with the volatile foreign economies, while the CDU initiates the next term of government. That’s the last of my fans in the country.

What are the ambitions of the Kreis-Chief?

I see Raimund Haser more often as Christian Natterer from Wangen after Berlin. The Kreis-Chief of the CDU, his sign Kurzzeit-MdB a. D., a few months later in the Bundestag. Everyone, the 43 years know, weiß, that’s a big war. And above all: That’s a bigger idol Friedrich Merz as Chancellor again where.

Image with Symbolkraft: Christian Natterer and Friedrich Merz Seite and Seite for their own year at the Landestag der Jungen Union in Bad Waldsee.

Image with Symbolkraft: Christian Natterer and Friedrich Merz Seite and Seite for their own year at the Landestag der Jungen Union in Bad Waldsee. (Photo: Photo: Felix Kästle/dpa)

Christian Natterer works in Berlin

Natterer ist die Reise nach Berlin für keinen nor so undeutenden Anlass zu weit. Kostproben davon protokolliert is op Instagram: Frühlingsempfang der JU, Frühlingsempfang der Parlamentarischen Gesellschaft, Trauerfeier für Wolfgang Schäuble, CDU-Parteitag, Summerfest der Bundestagsfraktion, Media-Sommer der Adenauer-Stiftung, Sommerfest des Parlamentskreises Mittelstand, Hessenfest, BW-Stallw back party and so on more . Dass der Wangener mit der Bundeshauptstadt has not yet abgeschlossen hat, liegt auf der Hand.

But why Axel Müller reappear? If you are “Christian”, if you are in the Kreisverband, then you can no longer see it. Power man nicht. Natterer will make more effort. In 2029, the Wahlkreis took on the mandate to put Erbhof von Müller away.

Do you have ambitions in the Schussental?

So the Allgäuern fell. And in Schussental? It is a good idea to involve some part of the company in order to gain noticeable power. Bis on Christoph Sitta. Der Lehrer hates the young Landtagswahl August Schuler as a Landtagscandidate for woolen and is protected. Ambitions in Richtung Berlin are insulting to both. Schuler hat zwar schon angekündigt, 2026 erneut für fünf Jahre ein Mandat in Stuttgart gewinnen zu wollen – a wahnsinnig major Erfolgsbilanz as Landespolitiker fehlt dem erfahrenen Stadt- and Kreisrat allendings. But bislang hat Sitta keine erneuten Ambitionen über den Ravensburger Stadtverband hinaus verlauten lassen.

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It is also possible that the Landtag nomination will be changed, while the Bundestag nomination will be expanded. Obwohl: Zum Ravensburger Landtagswahlkreis gehört auch Tettnang. Here Jürgen Weishaupt can use a cleaning agent on the plan. It is not that the ticket for the Bundestag-holt is not available.