
Basel: Gault-Millau-Tipp field at Lebensmittelkontrolle durch

Basel: Gault-Millau-Tipp field at Lebensmittelkontrolle durch


BaselGault Millau Secret Tip field during double inspection during

The Lebanese restaurant was featured in the Louis Vuitton Guide. Roads can show the wiring of the wire on a Penalty Order. Jetzt sei alles wieder in Ordnung, versichert dieser.

Lukas Hausendorf
  • An oriental restaurant in Basel with the control of the food in the kitchen, men digging.

  • The Betriebsinhaber and the Bewilligungsinhaberin were both now legally enforceable by Penal Order zu Bussen.

  • If you follow all the operating personnel instructions and carry out a follow-up check, the beans will last longer when tiling the tiling.

“In Lebanese-American cuisine, the best Falafel is from Lebanon,” wrote the Gault Millau about the impressive oriental Basler Restaurant, which features in the Louis Vuitton guide. But behind the Kulissen position, not everything will be best. The Bewilligungsinhaberin und der Wirt des Restaurants kassierten een inzwischen Rechtkräftigen Strafbefehl von der Basler Staatsanwaltschaft roads more diverse Verstösse gegen das Lebensmittelgesetz.

Der Penal Order, der 20 Minutenvorliegt, erging as Folge zier Kontrollen des Basler Lebensmittelinspektorats on 13. January and 10. August im letzten Jahr. The mangles are secured on both rolls. If you want to use the fugen in the preparation kitchen, while Schmutz makes another Schnecke from the Falafel machine or the black Schimmel in the Crushed Ice Machine. Both roles can be a lost Speisen von de Vortagen gefunden.

«The health of our consumers lasts for a pleasant experience»

Lebensmittelinspektorat Basel-Stadt

Restaurant in Basel with Mängel nicht

“The risk was taken as a gross weight”, this is after the inspection of January 13 and August 10, the risk was considered “gross”. “The Family of Consumers has produced one of the best results”, thus the Befund of the Lebensmittelinspektorats.

Both men are a gentle way of dealing with and positioning of the operating inhaber and of the willing inhaberin is found. Both men can be the culprits of persons with a confession of guilt who have not been re-examined after the penal order.

The local population’s chief executive is said to have left a bus of 2,000 francs and the volunteer of 1,000 francs.

«Ensure that all people have a bean-stand-free automatic control»

Betriebsinhaber des Restaurants

“The war for a shock”, said the Betriebsinhaber, when in 20 minutes with the Strafbefehl konfrontiert. There is talk that all people must do their work and that a night control can best be done. It took years, when the bean war started, change in person given. “Some were neglected”, it goes. The bean stands have acquired a personal character. “In addition, the abläufe are improved”, the gastronomer bemoans.

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