
62 Tote at Air Vehicle Inspection in Brazil: That’s the Sacrifice | News

62 Tote at Air Vehicle Inspection in Brazil: That’s the Sacrifice | News

The powerful Flugzeugabturz with 62 totes in Brazil ensures the weltweite Schlagzeilen.

Laut from the Brazilian Senders „Globo TV News“Sollen die ersten Opfer des Absturz identifiable. Until the pilot arrived: Captain Danilo Santos Romano (35) war laureate “Globo” on the day of the Years of Flight Equipment Leader, working since 2022 Pilot at the flight company “Voepass”.

In São Paulo, the pilot has collected a total of 4,500 flights, he is in his profile on a social media platform. A lecture writes about him: Romano had “always a laugh on his lips” and “ready to help” war.

Photos from Facebook profiles of pilots covering a distance of 15 km and leaving the Palmeiras-Fußballverein.

Horror in BrazilWatch films about the Flugzeug-Absturz

Flugzeug stürzt in Brazil ab

Source: Reuters

Beim Absturz in Brazil is about few Überlebenden

Romano saß in Cockpit of the two-motor ATR 72-500, which with 58 Passengers und four Besatzungsmitgliedern und Bord in een Wohnviertel in Vinhedo abstürzte – de beste Ermittler am Samstagmorgen.

►We are looking forward to seeing the “Globo” of Copilot Humberto de Campos Alencar e Silva (61) and the Flugbegleiterinnen Débora Soper Avila (29) and Rubia Silva de Lima (41).

A few Ehepaar – José Cloves Arruda (76) and Frau Maria Auxiliadora vaz de Arruda (74) kamen beim Absturz ums Leben – ebenso wie Rafael Fernando dos Santos (41) and still Liz Ibba dos Santos (3).

Der Vater en de Tochter wollen de Brazilian Vatertag-gemeinsam in Santa Catarina, “Globo TV” reported further.

There were more signs than any other seminar on the road. Two of the Ärzte were Arianne Albuquerque Estavan Risso and Mariana Comiran Belim, both Assistants for Clinical Oncology at the “Cascavel Cancer Hospital” in Uopeccan.

The announced number of the dead would be active on 62. The flight company “Voepass” is the best, which is a 58. Passenger, Constantino Thé Maia, has not solved a “technical problem” on the passenger list war.

After connecting the device, all pipes are recovered by the Absturzstelle.

Besatzung has not bitten a Help

The Flugzeug in the direction of São Paulo starts on Friday at 11:56 am Ortszeit in Cascavel and flog and other things on the Zwischenfälle, such as Ermittlungs-Beamte. This assessment has no Hilfe-geufen nor any “widrige Wetterbedingungen” to be reported.

It is a fact that responsibility for regional airports lies with the contacts of Port and Airport Minister Silvio Costa Filho.

“The entire crew was competent,” Voepass CEO Eduardo Busch told CNN at a news conference. “If you see the Zugriff on the joint communication of the pilots and the control tower, there is a new equipment of the Geschehens that you can use.”

The Blackbox of the Flugzeugs with Sprachaufzeichnungen and Flugdaten is said to have been recovered from the Absturzstelle, dear the Minister for the Public Security of São Paulo, Guilherme Derrite.

When the Black Box was inhaled, the background information was analyzed and the flight was completed in a minute.