
Letztes Opfer nach Bootsunglück saved for Palermo

It is nice to have the day and evening Einsatz der Taucher am Unglücksort ist damit zu Ende. When the last ones were recovered, the Special Teams of the Feuerwehr, one of the complex actions after the missing had been secured, were greeted with long applause. Jetzt starts submitting messages, using messages.

Such action has started as a result of Taucher, which is available in 2012 before the Italian Insel Giglio has won a Kreuzfahrtschiff Costa Concordia. Insgesamt 27 was at the search in the effort. The “Bayesian” lie on the page in 50 Metern Tiefe was such action. Number-rich obstacles block the Tauchern the way and the narrow spaces behind it.

While Todesopfern deals with Lynch and his son, he is the top manager of investment bank Morgan Stanley International, Jonathan Bloomer, wife Anne Elizabeth, the elder Chris Morvillo and his wife Nada. Prepared on Monday, the Bordkochs’s leech is financed.

After the British Tageszeitung “Daily Telegraph”, which was robbed in the nautical industry, Michael Lynch “Bayesian” died in the summer of 2011 to the Verkauf boats. Two months later, it is so that the American economy in June in the United States is going through a war, while the investments in the economy hang with the multinational computer autonomy of the American Riesen HP that is waging war. The Tycoon has spent the summer with the family and his friends on the yacht and the free time.

Unterdessen wollen die in de autumn ermittelnden Staatsanwälte de Blackbox van de “Bayesian” untersuchen. If there is information about the Schiffbruchs time, the mountain in the morning gray is a strong Wirbelsturm-ereignete. The hypothesis of a human condition, the unglück auslöste, erscheint immer better.

The problem with the Sicilian state wall of Ambrogio Cartosio is that it requires strict secrecy to take the first step and hold a press conference first.