
Klare Worte: Tochter von Markus Söder teilt gegen Politiker aus

Klare Worte: Tochter von Markus Söder teilt gegen Politiker aus

Prime Minister Markus Söder’s Tochter has gotten his own opinion on politics. For the way Gloria-Sophie Burkandt doesn’t do her job.

Gloria-Sophie Burkandt is Angela Merkel’s political leader

In “Süddeutsche Zeitung”-Talk spricht die 25-Jährige über ihre political Vorbilder. While the young woman is not daddy Markus Söder, son of Angela Merkel, she says: “Sie stand für Stabilität and Kontinuität. If you have a kraft, die Kris.”

Söder-Tochter is ‘politically neutral’

Burkandt has not sold more than 100 percent of his own political career – everything would only happen in a few years. “I am politically neutral. If Künstlerin thinks it is not good, it cannot provide direction. Jede Partei had a good punk and a smart young Leute, who was moving. They must now be heard!” so that Söder-Tochter was euphoric.

Politiker sollten more U-Bahn fahren

Auch Markus came to the Gloria of the Spüren and was one of the Politik nicht over. And I will no longer be able to say to my lecturers: “I was shocked: These people are politicians who live their lives.” They are the influencers. ‘Think about real life. If you go to the Beispiel U-Bahn or to Lidl, you can solve all the social problems and solve the human problem.“ They can use some other machines. “In 30 years my position in politics could become more prominent. If you don’t want to stop, then you have to stop.”

With my father in the control contacts, when we see and hear that we have no Tag, die Söder-Tochter verrät: „Ich rufe ihn aber auch nicht jeden Tag an, um ihn zu fragen, there was power and who is that. Irgendwann geht jeder mal seinen eigenen Weg.”