
Waldbrand breitet itself – Häuser zerstört, Tausende evakuiert

Waldbrand breitet itself – Häuser zerstört, Tausende evakuiert

Ein Waldbrand in Südkalifornien schlägt Anwohner in die Flucht. The flames are growing rapidly, slowly closing in on the grim Santa-Ana-Winde. The damage to the damage is not possible.

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  • Hunderte Feuerwehrleute camps in Southern California get a fast and grifendes Feuer an.
  • The so-called ‘Mountain Fire’ after the city of Camarillo in west Los Angeles expanded almost overnight on the double fläche.
  • After freezing the flame in a flight of über 80 Quadrat kilometers.
  • Zahlreiche Häuser seien abgebrannt or der damaged, teilte die Feuerwehr am Donnerstag mit, ohne aber konkrete Zahlen zu nennen.
  • The «Los Angeles Times» report was published at 130 points.

Hunderte Feuerwehrleute camps in Southern California get a fast and grifendes Feuer an. The so-called ‘Mountain Fire’ after the Stadt Camarillo was on the double flame for almost a night. After freezing the flame in a flight of über 80 Quadrat kilometers. Zahlreiche Häuser seien abgebrannt or der damaged, teilte die Feuerwehr am Donnerstag mit, ohne aber konkrete Zahlen zu nennen. The «Los Angeles Times» report was published at 130 points.

The fire is in the affected region, approximately 80 kilometers north-west of Los Angeles, attracting people to their homes. The Behorden ordneten weitere Evakuierungen and. California Governor Gavin Newsom has control over a statue of Lage. At the Catastrophe Protection Board (Fema) you can find Newsom Soforthilfe zur Bekämpfung des Feuers en. More than 3500 Häuser and Geschäfte seien in the affected region, this is in one of the Mitteilung.

The “Mountain Fire” in Moorpark continues to expand. (November 7, 2024)
The “Mountain Fire” in Moorpark continues to expand. (November 7, 2024)

Keystone/AP Photo/Noah Berger

The southern Californians are the time when the strong Santa Ana winds are hit, so they can all be used in herbal and winter mode. The trockenen Winde würden the extreme Feuergefahr verschärfen, hiess es. Summer temperatures and tropical vegetation are created here, which are as light as possible.

Strom vorsorglich abgeschaltet

The sister of energy providers from Southern California Edison schaltete in gefährdeten Gebieten vorsorglich den Strom ab. Intense wind blows can damage strommasten and leitungen as well as break funk. Die hatte in der Vergangenheit wiederholt Brand verursacht. There were 70,000 people at the Donnerstag, which the “Los Angeles Times” reported.
