
Unlucky: Nach Hotel-Einsturz – Zusammenkommen zum Gottesdienst

Unlucky: Nach Hotel-Einsturz – Zusammenkommen zum Gottesdienst

Fun time after the hotel stay with two friends, the Rettungskräfte and the people in Mosel-Ort Kröv zu a Gottesdienst (9.30 a.m.) and together Austausch zammenkommen. “In our joint internal and haltgeben we imagine the services of the service providing service and the Mittwoch”, he is in the einladung of the police organization. «Everyone is willing to come.» The Gottesdienst soll im Pfarrgarten in Kröv stattfinden.

In the hotel we had a complete service with a complete floor in itself. Two people are welcome in our lives, who lived there for 59 years as a hotel owner, who were happy with their life on Saturday morning. Bereits of where a tote 64-year-old Frau befunden, die sich laut Police as a guest in the hotel. If you see the lost ones that were recovered from the Trümmern afterward. The Ursache is not clear, the Staatsanwaltschaft is not known.

When one of the adrenaline is at play, it can be a traumatic experience for the Einsatzkräfte kommen, as Einsatzleiter Jörg Teusch in one of his favorite Bilanz. The Gottesdienst works together with the Notfallseelsorgern die Möglichkeit, zusammenzukommen.

“We remember the people who are proud, we are grateful to the people who came as Helfer and the people who were afraid and honored, and such a supporter of the Kraft, who always loved the people,” this is in the Einladung. If the Gottesdienst sollen Rettungskräfte und Affected nor zum Frühstück zummenkommenkönnen, um über das Erlebte auszutauschen.

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