
Longevity: 3 Longevity Tips From a 91-Year-Old Who Still Plays Golf

Longevity: 3 Longevity Tips From a 91-Year-Old Who Still Plays Golf

Longevity: 3 Longevity Tips From a 91-Year-Old Who Still Plays Golf

Sari Mainzer, at 91, still played golf.
Atria Senior Living

Sari Mainzer is 91 years old and actively engaged in hobbies and activities. Was my Geheimnisse an alternative? Business Insider hat with its gesprochen and heredity, which is beautiful and witty suitable. Experience, where role activity, ignorance and social interests play for a long time and with which tips in their own Leben anwenden könnt. Unless all details with BI+ are

Sari Mainzer is 91 years old and still does not play regular golf.

Regularity Sports can be a lifestyle, if you have a hat you can use it.

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Man wrote the year 1990 and Sari Mainzer as in a hotel in Maine after a description. The hotel is located on a golf course. So decide, sich a Schläger zu schnappen and es auszutrybieren. With the golfing began a 34 year long other hobby, it became a change of 91 years, noch nachgeht.

The main golf courses of the list of all possibilities are active, while they are active. You can play as an inner architect in high school volleyball, play in college, and play as an 80-year-old regular tennis.

Longlebigkeit – Gene, Glück and Golf?

If you want to make a long story about the former and how happy they are, that Mainzer’s Lebensstil wahrscheinlich dazu beigetragen, that is already healthy and active.

A years-long study in the BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine is light in nature because one of the life forms is a genetic variant of a drug that can produce a 62 percent success rate.

Mainzer lets Business Insider in on his secret, who is active in his 90s.

1. Bleibt corperlich and geistig active

The main reason is that you can use “Activity, Activity, Activity” whether it’s a good hat, no matter how young you are. When the golfers themselves are on the course, they repay their life with their next, which their geschäft-übernommen-hat, a peculiar inner architect project-arbeitet. If you have a program in your life at the Atria Senior Living Community in Roslyn Harbor, New York, you can encourage the residents at the dividing line, where the care provides the sollten and makes the most of the platz in your home.

A 2019 in Fachblatt JAMA Neurology makes the study clear that people with a higher cognitive reserve – heißt, that is, in the low, efficient and flexible way of thinking, and weisen nur minimal Anzeichen der Gehirnalterung auf – have smaller risks, and therefore erranken .

Mainzer's long tips are active when you use them.

Mainzer’s long tips are active when you use them.
Atria Senior Living

2. Last euro comfort zone

“Show me a little bit, new things to try,” said Mainzer. It is very important that you worry about the divorce. Erfolg und Spaß würden nicht „einfach an eure Tür klopfen. I have to do it myself.”

If you visit a senior citizen’s home, this is a new challenge. You can play the Saturday and the dream of the week Bridge.

Learning new things creates new connections in our universe, what prompted this is actively maintained, explains Heidi Tissenbaum. He is a professor of molecular, cell and credit biology at the University of Massachusetts. There are many rumors that the castle is for an alternative, if you talk to Business Insider.

3. Get to know new people

Ihr Hobbys helps the 91 year olds to know new Leute. That is – not the Movement and the Spa – a separate Grund, where Mainzer plays golf at all.

When someone is new and in a new situation, so Mainzer, the only man who is afraid, is all he has done. Denn: “The gathering with new people can expand the horizon”, find it.

Professor Rose Anne Kenny, Gerontology at Trinity College Dublin, said the social approach to longevity is an unacceptable factor that provides healthy or regular treatment.

See the original article in English at Business Insider US.