
DOSB sees mixed Bilanz: “With other souls started”

DOSB sees mixed Bilanz: “With other souls started”

The German Olympia Team has won a number of medals during the summer games in Tokyo. The leadership of the German Olympic Sports Federation sees a mixed Fazit.

Zog een gemischte Bilanz: Chef de Mission Olaf Tabor.

Zog een gemischte Bilanz: Chef de Mission Olaf Tabor.
IMAGO/Chai vd Laage

The Spitze des Deutsche Olympian Sportbundes (DOSB) has sucked in a mixed Bilanz during the summer games in Paris. “We since we have another soul in this game startet. The soul Top Ten in Nationen-Spiegel has become richer. Because of the Möglichkeit, we could have a place to visit as in Tokyo,” says Mission Chief Olaf Tabor at the previous times Abschlusspressekonferenz im Deutschen Haus.

For the last Wettkampfttag, Germany stands for zwölf Gold, eleven Silver and eight Bronze medals – also in total 31 Medals. The Team would no longer reach the 37 Medaillen von den Spielen 2021 in Japan. “We were able to win few Gesamtmedaillen in Tokyo. Insofern setzt sich unsere Negativserie fort. That’s something we would have to observe,” said Tabor. The feature probably showed that more Gold medals have been won than for three years, which was the Olympic Games.

Der Anspruch ist Platz funf in Nationenranking

“We have a great celebration and a fun place. That’s great, we can have one or another medal,” said Tabor. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy our fresh food, that is the answer. “Platz fun” in the Nationenranking lautet Tabors Zielsetzung für Sommerspiele. This is an exercise in sports agent pace.

Nations with only a few inhabitants such as Germany – those in the Netherlands, Norway or Australia – ended up in Paris without being there. Especially with the small Nachbar Niederlande habe “beim Finden von Talenten and beim fördern bis in the Weltspitze second-hand”, said Tabor: “These are Medaillenpotenziale identified and consistently followed. That must be our thinking.”

We write Excel tables, the others train. And that can’t happen.

Jörg Bügner, Sportvorstand des DLV

Schließlich is a Deutschland-wirtschaftliche sports nation, the structure is a company. “We write Excel tables that train others. And that is no longer possible,” said Jörg Bügner, Sportvorstand des Deutschen Leichtathletik-Verbandes, in the spare time.

The reform of the Spitzensportförderung can take a long time for the Agenda: the Bürokratie, more freedom at the Mittelvergabe by an independent sports agency. Actually it is always fun, passion is little.

Die Spiele in Paris sollen auch Schwung brings the own Plane

The Momentum seems to be there now, because the Games of Paris in the hinterland of Eindruck. The Bund has received a financing of 49 million euros to 331 million euros, the Regie has not started a German Olympiad competition until 2027 with one million euros. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz and Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser travel during the summer holidays in Paris to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock who likes the atmosphere and the atmosphere with the sports lessons.

Playing in the Nachbarland entails its own Bewerbungspläne. After the motto: That we can live in peace. Tabor also enjoys a new Nebeneffekt: “Eine Olympia-Veranstaltung im Land is open to the wind. That is why we are able to cope with the rapid progress of writing.”