
A working class for an auspicious church

A working class for an auspicious church

Joe is actually a vulnerable place. The 6,500-inhabitant city in eastern France can pay a year’s price for a good flower ornament. The people who were busy with everything were a French city that was busy with: another Roman world and Churches, and a davon that ended up in the Mediterranean kitchen.

It is a church Notre-Dame-de-Franchepré. The sister of the Bistum Nancy-Toul is not closed, but goes to the Verkauf-angeboten. The country in France is so common in Western Europe that Kirchenbesucherzahlen zum Teil empfindlich zurück. Power fell to the überflüssig, while that with 1,500 Plätzen, the Diözese argued. But for those residents, the Church is more like a House for Gottesdienst-Feiern.

There is a long history of the steel industry and Notre-Dame-de-Franchepre doing that. Pinned to the Bau Anfang of 20 years. Jahrhunderts von der einflussreichen Schmied-Familie De Wendel, apterweise besthen die Balken in der Decke der Kirche aus Stahl. They dominated the work of the Arbeiterviertel during their second day of work in 1911. Aus genau diesem Viertel comes from the French Fußball legend Michel Platini, who was the Messdiener here. 2017 went to the Beerdingungsgottesdienst for his father Aldo in the Gotteshaus-statt.

Kirche schon jahrelang ungenutzt

The war begins with the God’s service in the church. If you no longer use the God’s house, it is a profane affair in June. Since the Church’s Umfeld has arisen: The Steelworks of the Region since 1989 is erkaltet, the Industry only remains.

After this Erinnerung has begun, the Menschen vor Ort is given a name to the “Cercle pour la Promotion de l’Histoire de Jœuf” (Verein zur Förderung der Geschichte von Jœuf). There is now power for the Erhalt der Kirche-mobile, for all dessen Vorsitzender Roger Martinois: “Man can not imagine, he will move a day out of the landscape. If his cult location is more, he will remain in the center of the city. Many local residents were taken here and have been received”, says the sender is “Franceinfo”. It is not the first time that the church has been restored. In 2002, money was received for the renovation. The municipality earned half a million euros and spent 80,000 euros.

Wegen dieser Geschichte redet in Sachen Kirche auch Bürgermeister André Corzani mit. “Wir müssen uns mobilisieren, um Notre-Dame-de-Franchepré ein zweites Mal zu retten. Da die Bevölkerung von Jœuf and sogar Freunde über die Gemeindegrens are so probably invested, erscheint is mir logical, the Bischof an Übertragung for a symbolic Euro zu bitten”, so Corzani gegenüber “Franceinfo”. Both appear to have been loosened: A single online petition can be found in the meantime in 800 submissions.

Cultural use is being considered

A God service of Kirchlein will no longer work. If the Bistum Nancfy-Toul is concreted, it is no longer possible to work with only small God service communities. Many more buildings with God service operators are meaningful. It is a good idea to do the work. Martinois wrote about his illness that “the church has not received an undisputed order, not that there is a concern, which is the memory and the history of the community representation”. The city is apparently a place for cultural transformations.

It is a fact that you are never alone, but certainly not in Bistum Nancy. In the 3,000 inhabitants of the municipality of Chaligny, the referee chapel Notre-Dame-Du-Fer fell in the protest against the Anwohner zum Verkauf offered, here too the municipality would have a symbolic European übernehmen. At the end, 50,000 euros were won. In Nancy, the question was whether they could get out of a church in a fast food restaurant. The sale was cancelled from Bistum but in the last minute.

In Jœuf haben nun die Beteiligten Gespräche angekündigt. The Chapter of the other Arbeiterkirche Notre-Dame-de-Franchepré, Michel Platini and the Gegenwart of the former Stahl region in Eastern France are also in demand.