
Travel bus on the A72 at Plauen verunglückt – more Verletzte

Travel bus on the A72 at Plauen verunglückt – more Verletzte

A tour bus comes off the highway and lands in Gebüsch. More people were injured.

In Saxon Vogtland on Sunday morning on Autobahn 72 a coach crashed. The police of Zwickau were supposed to have injured a person, but it was a 13 year old woman. The 62 year old bus driver did a lot of business and landed a man in a hospital.

The bus with 40 passengers on the board was not able to get through the traffic without having to worry about the connection between the trains and the road to the east of the railway line, and the connection was still possible in a Gebüsch gelandet.

The Autobahn war against the Unfallstelle für both two Stunden completely stopped. Seit Mittag is the most efficient way to release. In Richtung Hof the A72 turned out to be blocked at the storage area, best a Sprecher from the Polizei Zwickau. It can be a “neither für einige Stunden” of autumn. Der Sachschaden liege in a hohen, fünfstelligen Bereich.