
Unfall: Traktor mit Anhänger kommt von Straße ab – 15 Verletzte

Unfall: Traktor mit Anhänger kommt von Straße ab – 15 Verletzte

At some point, the assembly of this item may no longer be possible.

Incident: 15 people were injured during the sweren Incident with a tractor in Mittelfranken. The recovery is not unclear.
15 people were injured in the heavy accident with a tractor in Middle Franconia. The recovery is not unclear.
© Haubner/​vifogra/​dpa

In the event of a sudden accident with a tractor, 15 people would be lost in the middle of Hartenstein (Nürnberger Landkreis). 13 of the time to go on the drawer of the hanging hooks, who is it Police mediocre. Demnach brought a rettungshubschrauber three Menschen mit schweren Verletzungen into a clinic. Der 26-jährige Beifahrer des Traktorfahrers schwebe in Lebensgefahr. We repeat that people who end up in a Klinik station can be treated. Since the information provided by the remainder of the information is available, there is no information available.

After you have spoken to the Tractor in a Rechtskurve of the Fahrbahn, you can appeal to the fact that this takes more time. It is a matter of an «unauthorized, going away» to another way. A grossaufgebot and a Rettungskräften war in Einsatz. Who is the Unfall kam, the war will not take place. Die Polizei ermittelt.

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