
Extreme stollz and extreme love

Extreme stollz and extreme love

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Extreme stollz and extreme love
There are a few rainbows that have to do with the parts of the CSD in the Frankfurter Innenstadt subways. © Monika Müller

Frankfurt feert seinen Christopher Street Day 2024 ausgelassen, punch and würdevoll. Both of the largest CSD Parades have 13,000 people on the road.

Frankfurt – So, ihr süßen Zuckermäuschen und Sahnehäubchen – Moment, Moment, so understand our students and readers and all the dazwischen black as well, but here it is natural in a sitting: “So, ihr süßen Zuckermäuschen und Sahnehäubchen”, this is also the case with de gebührenden Anführungszeichen – that is the extremely loving Auftakt zur Moderation des Christopher Street Day (CSD) on Samstagnachmittag (10. August) on the Kulturbühne am Regenbogenkreisel in Frankfurt between Alter Gasse and Großer Friedberger Straße.

When Moritz Bierbaum left the stage, he received a lot of attention for “Deutschland sucht the Superstar” and also as Hauptdarsteller of the musicals “Der kleine Prinz”. On Saturday he sings among other things “Ik kan bloemen voor zelf kopen” by Miley Cyrus and “Achterbahn” by Helene Fischer. The audience is extremely enthusiastic. From 11.09 it is time to spätesten.

CSD in Frankfurt 2024: Songs by Helene Fischer and Miley Cyrus begeistern das Publikum

Although the Pride Flag is officially on the balcony of the Frankfurter Römers, while the lesbian-bi-trans-queer-intersexual community (LGBTQI) is on the world of the Sagen hat. Pride is called Stolz – and Stolz is also Christian Setzepfandt, official magistrate and AIDS-Hilfe-Vorstand, when the extremist demonstrations are voluntary on the Römerberg in the name of the city.

“I am a stolz, that I am here and so fest beieinander steht,” said Setzepfandt. “Stolz auf euch, dass ihr Frankfurt impetus.” The people swing rainbows and painter, auf denen steht, dass sie extrem sind. “Extremely committed”, “extremely self-determined”, “extremely professional”, “extremely normal” are the painter’s motto. Warum? Weil in Russia is the LGBTQI community per Gerichtsbeschluss as extremist einstuft wurde.

Frankfurt’s Antwort darauf, also as CSD motto: “Wir sind extrem – liebevoll”. Or who is another Plakat zum Ausdruck brings: „Wir sind extrem stolz – Bitch“.

“Wir sind extrem – liebevoll”: Christopher Street Day 2024 in Frankfurt laut en bunt

It is on the Römerberg, there are no roads of any return costs, and it is no longer possible to leave the long Schlange, it is a dream that has no extreme Anstell-Schlange, but the Treasures of the Nikolai-Kirchturms are lost. Setzepfandt began the history of Christopher-Street-Day-Bewegung for 55 years, when man in New York appeared every day, it has become more and more homosexual – and in “Stonewall Inn” on Christopher Street. Everything started in Frankfurt etwas später, 1992, with a small festival in the Klingerstraße. „Schaut euch an, was daraus zijnt“, it says of the large people in the city hall, „here we hear them!“ Jubilee, Seifenblasen, Kusshände, Liebe. “It is not possible to acquire it, but it is important to know that people are living with it,” said Setzepfandt. “Verrückt, dass man das 2024 immer noch sagen muss”, says another in public. “Aber immer noch nichtweit Konsens”, says another comment.

The CSD in Frankfurt

The first CSD in Frankfurt in 1992. Damals organized the Dach organizations for the interest homosexual orientation of the Frankfurter Vereine of the first Solidaritätsfest for homosexual women and men. As Abschluss an Aktionswoche a Straßenfest in the Klingerstraße with more than 1000 Besuchern and Besucherinnen.

One year longer this Zahl lasts more than 4000 years. In 1994, more than 10,000 people lived on the adjacent Aller Heiligenstraße.

2023 lag dies Zahl der Besucher und Besucherinnen on beef 15,000.

Information can be found online at you will find a chronicle that is unique.

“The Kampf is neither a leader nor a long shot,” said Staatssekretärin Katrin Hechler (SPD), who is in favor of the Landesregierung dabei. Who is a Frauenbewegung is the foreign community that authorizes the Gleichberechtigung of all people, while the Grundgesetz offers a guarantee. “There is a strong community behind us, so we have since,” said Hechler. “That is what we want to do.” Etwa by the Self-Advocacy Code in Consideration of our own Geschlecht. It is in Frankfurter Standesamt that Anfang August has a greater name, his own guilt after his own Will is a weld, all of which on the Romer is a great enrichment. “Engagieren Sie sich weiter”, says Hechler auf, “zeigen Sie Sichtbarkeit, trotzen Sie denen, die versuchen, zu stecken in Schubladen.”

CSD in Frankfurt: “Alles, was es braucht, ist unsere Stimme”

The courage is there, the judge for the community with a large amount of money and a larger leadership before there are so often years of fighting, “she is an antrieb”, said Basti, one of the young men of the CSD-Orga-Team. Demos who these could make the difference: “Everything, what is needed, is our voice.”

Buntes Herz auf grauem Körper.
Buntes Herz auf grauem Körper. © Monika Müller

Aber auch good Musik und good Laune, wie er hinzufügt, extrem good Laune, moreover, if there is all rät, sich gegen die Sonne gut einzucremen – “nehmt ein ein Beispiel an mir!” There ist von Kopf bis Fuß in all Regenbogenfarben bemalt. The statue located in the Netzhaut in front of a large Miteinander resembles Basti. “Seid das Vorbild für die Gesellschaft, wie ihr sie gern hättet!”

It is getting bigger, extreme bunten, extrem lauten Umzug durch de City and a Gruppe von Krankenschwistern … Krankenbrüdern … who sagen so many men … yes: von Krankengeschwistern, who auftreten under the title “AfD”: “Anti-faschist Desinfektion”. A Wesen, the rosafarbenst Gestalt of the Tages is unable to find its duration, a combination of Man and Flamingo, who tackles the Plakat: “It’s ok, it’s okay.”

Frankfurt celebrates Christopher Street Day “Vielfalt ist für uns alltäglich”

Extremely ok The tolsten Engel is intended to be Zug dabei. Bislang für unmöglich contentne Frisuren. Delegation from Wiesbaden, Offenbach and Limburg. THW, Feuerwehr, Fraport, zahlreiche Banken, de Hessische Finanzverwaltung, all extreme verschieden, all extreme lies. Fraport, ADAC: We look freely at extreme motorization and the utmost Diesel-selig on the Mainkai, until the Ganze-finally arrives in Rollen-kommt. Die Frankfurter Stadtverwaltung: “Vielfalt ist für uns alltäglich”. Das US-Konsulat: “Love is love”. The CDU Hesse: “Liebe ist Liebe – dafür stehen wir ein”. (Gern auch in Sachsen Bescheid geben. Extrem wichtig.) Die Jusos: „Vielfalt rein – Nazis raus“. Eintracht Frankfurt: “Für Vielfalt & Toleranz – auf und neben dem Platz”.

A big selfie for the Romans.
Buntes Selfie for the Romer. © Monika Müller

With my motorcycling on the ‘Dykes on Bikes’-route. Above all, the extremely new situation is an extreme unbildet which is shown by the Zeitungsreporter and his fragments: What is actually called Dykes, here please: “Lesben”, answers one of the drivers. Weder was learned.

Cost-free living since the same day you can live. Paint what you want, but give your kiss in the probe rangebot. Extremely nice, this Angelegenheit CSD.