
Österreicher loses the nerves weighing 5000 Euros. Penalty for the end of their life: “I warn you”

Österreicher loses the nerves weighing 5000 Euros. Penalty for the end of their life: “I warn you”

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A young man in Vienna has found the prescription for a dog guide certificate for his listening dog on the light Schulter. Auf der Polizeistat-rastet is out.

Wien – Hunde is the person who does a lot of research, the study who thinks so logically. Dennoch ist de Verantwortung een Hundehalters für seinen Vierbeiner groß. There are a few rules, a Herrchen and Frauchen sich halten müssen and some Pflicht, which were inherited müssen.

In Vienna (Austria) Halter von Listenhunden verblichtet is, a Hundeführschein zu absolvieren. If it does not work, you must do a safe investigation. A 20-year-old man must die of his own leadership – and the situation cannot go beyond control.

A Senior Rottweiler: a Hundehalter in Wien muss für Listenhund Hundeführschein absolvieren Österreich
If you listen to them and give them complete freedom, you will receive a 5,000 Euro penalty in Vienna – then the situation will escalate. (Symbol image) © Dwi Anoraganingrum/IMAGO

Hundehalter is weighed down by the Hundeführscheins zu Riesenstrafe verdonnert – dann rastet is aus

If two of the Wiener Landespolizeirektion and the Tür een Wohnung in Bezirk Floridsdorf were correct, she could never exist, erwartete. Laut eenem Message von some of the owners a listening dog was hired in the police watch, that there would be a sum of money in the amount of 5000 euros. Other faulty dog ​​owners could come to stand.

“If the Tür and Wurde von den both frontiers, a Haftstrafe-weg is not bezahlter Waltungsstraffällig ist. I hated that I wanted 2,000, bzw. Of course not 3,000 euros.”

The high monetary penalty that results is that the Hundebesitzer in Wien the Hundeführerschein for the Listening Dog is obliged not to be absolute for more than four years. Laut Informationen on the Website of the City Droht Hundebesitzern for a minimum penalty of 1000 Euro. “Wiederholte Verstöße gegen diese Bestimmung bzw. The future of the environment can thus lead to an “Abnahme des Hundes”.

In 2023, autumn began with a jogger who got a Hund in Austria, where the country borders are marked.

Related Bisse and a gezielter Schlag: Younger Hundehalter dreht auf Polizeirevier durch

Smile according to the young man, the police officers are not really serious about their living arrangements. The beam is an unintentional Hundebesitzer daher with its service stelle. If a political approach holds the man to the wall, he can become increasingly aggressive. „Drück now, then I lose my humanity“, so there will be danger.

If a political power is expressed in the hands of men who do not look like Mann, then get informed. “If I do not have the Handschellen, my Sicherheit was only just in the Handschellen, that was it. Ich warne euch”, soll er den anwesenden Polizisten hebben droht haben. After the Austrian news portal had found a “gezieter schlag”, a policewoman became, and so much knowledge has been gained, that other Anwesende zu beißen. In one of the Sicherheitszelle situations it is another edge.

Diese Vorschrift gels für Listenhundehalter in Wien

If the Führschein is concerned with listening to the world, it is possible that a maulkorb tragedy and one of the Leine geführt were müssen. If all people are aware of the Plätze and Bereiche, the frequencies of persons will never again be with the Besitzer or the Hüter des Hundes in the Haushalt leben. Also in Treppenhäusern and Wohnanlagen gilded this Regulation. If these Regulations are not observed, a penalty of 100 Euro can be imposed.

The following breeds and Misischlinge davon are following as listening dogs in Vienna: American Staffordshire Terrier, Bullmastiff, Bullterrier, Dogo Argentino (Argentinischer Mastiff), Fila Brasileiro, Mastiff, Mastin Espanol, Mastino Napoletano, Pitbull Terrier, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Bullterrier and Tosa Inu. (Source: City of Vienna)

Vor Gericht zegt ich Hundehalter rheutig – Anwältin: “Widerstand aus Liebe zum Hund”

Before the man started his policy at the police station with a “Blackout”, it is possible that his job and the court for the dog are paid. There is talk of a conversation in the portal from Austria, but there is no one who wants. The Hundeführerschein was against the background of the Corona pandemic “not more do” können, was a slow Tauziehen with the Behörden führte, so the man.

Schließlich konnte der reuige Mann a Punishmentahren, on other ways to change Körperverletzung, by a sogenannte Diversion abwenden. Please see our comments on the news from the Austrian Portal as “Brederstand gegen de Staatsgewalt der Andere Art, namlich aus Liebe zum Hund.” In South Tyrol people can get an “unsucked Hundehalter” for a plant, the DNA of all Hunde is recorded. In Tyrol it is a fact that Unfall takes a walk with a Hund.