
Heatstroke with Happy End

Heatstroke with Happy End

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Heatstroke with Happy End
Sebastian Krieg (left) achieved a 1:2-Rückstand zum 3:2-Erfolg with the SG Freiensteinau at TSV Künzell. © Red

Crime writer Alfred Hitchcock played director in 3:2 (1:1) – Sieg van SG Freiensteinau in the Fußball-Gruppenliga Fulda at TSV Künzell. The heat battle 30 years ago was caused by more wars, a Krankwagen-Einsatz and a number of späten Toren.

If the Künzeller Julian Parzeller in the recording 103. Minute is 2:1, the game will start. Aber packed with adrenaline and energy. Men from Blauen Eck were purchased by Kevin Stribrny and Niklas Müller with both Traumtoren nor in Sieg.

»Wir haben etwas gebraucht, um in die Wahnsinnsspiel hineinzukommen. Danach hatten wir good active phases with fell pressing and good herausgespielten chances. It’s true that it goes through time. In the second half of the time, Künzell can go on the gegentor in Griff. If you reach out for help, you will get the fight you deserve, thanks to trainer Alexander Balz.

The SG Freiensteinau deserves the moral order. Ohne Verletzte was enthusiastic, with Patrick Muth (46.) and Yannik Schell (90./+7) both more strong. Für Muth drives the Krankenwagen on the Gelände. »Der Sanitäter meinte, dass die Verletzung am Knie nicht so schlimm war, um ihn mitsunehmen«, teilte der Mannschaftsverantwortliche Renè Schmidt mit.

The first Duftmarke setzte Künzell: Pappert flanked on the right and Körner köpfte zum 1:0 ein (3.). Etwa 20 minutes long to build the machine over the straight side. Afterwards you can finish the Angriffe. »Wir sind nicht wach genug«, used Kapitän Lukas Hohmann and. Then there will be the first Trinkpause – and Freiensteinau ridge if you walk around the Platz zurück.

Guest coach Balz makes sure that he comes out of his team in the Vorfeld-trotz of the team, his own game during the match. That is now also better. After the Traumkombinatie of Stefan Stramm, Kevin Stribrny and Yannik Schell complete the Letztgenannte to 1:1 (25.).

Schell trifts the Querbalken

The second Halbzeit war is no longer for the black Nerven. The SGF plug is the Verletzung von Muth away. And if Schell once had a Schuss nur die Latte (58). Fast Ball Passage, price the Passe, greater Aufwand and Mut zum Risk wurden zunächst nicht belohnt.

Then followed the Verletzung von Schell (90./+7) and the überraschende Führung (90./+13) der Hausherren. Aber das Happyend is heard by the SGF.

Sanctuary: Lukas Hohmann, Muth (49. Eckl), Papsch, Schleucher, Stribrny, Krieg, Müller, Stramm, Schell (97. Janka), Hausmann, Sorg. SR: Adam Muthig (Pfaffenhausen). Z: 150. Cracked: 1:0 Marcel Körner (3.), 1:1 Yannik Schell (25.) 2:1 Julian Parzeller (90.+13), 2:2 Kevin Stribrny (90./+17) 2:3 Niklas Müller (90 .) ./+18).

Coach Kevin Stribrny, Kevin Sorg and Julian Eckl (in blue, from left) play with SG Freiensteinau in a turbulent game a 3:2 game at TSV Künzell. © Rood