
Reader’s letter: Reader’s letter: Merkwürdiges Demokratieverständnis – Leserbriefe Lörrach

Reader’s letter: Reader’s letter: Merkwürdiges Demokratieverständnis – Leserbriefe Lörrach


Zum Artikel “Wie fachlich war das Windkraft-Referat?” (BZ vom August 3).
Zum Referat von Professorin Alewell lets the author of the article come up with a policy of the Grünen zu Wort kommen, dessichten kommentarlos weitergegeben zijn, etwa ‘Form and Inhalt unwissenschaftlich’ or ‘Mantelchen einer Wissenschaftlerin’ or ‘Anwesende (der Informationsveranstaltung) are obtained’ and der Aufforderung , the “Treiben von Frau Alewell” has been published. If those politicians do not clearly have the expertise in this area, a strange representation of democracy and science is: are not both of the political power and the discourse? God damn it, if the professor has only just started, the Veranstalter was wollen, which earns the Veranstaltung first the name “Informationsveranstaltung”. Whether the war plans an einseitige Veranstaltung der Versuch, the citizen will no longer stop? Finally, the author of the article, when examining the positions of the Green politicians and one of the disinterested Physikers, all of whom draw the professor’s attention, has a small point of origin, under a pure attitude with his article continued.
Peter Müller, Malsburg-Marzell

Resort: Lesson plans Lörrach

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