
Summer Vibes with Zwetschgen und Flaumen

Summer Vibes with Zwetschgen und Flaumen

Take a look at the German lifestyle, stone-breeding and stehen jetzt in fuller Reife: Pflaumen und Zwetschgen wecken culinary Fantasies und zaubern den Spätsommer auf die Zunge.

Summer Vibes with Zwetschgen und Flaumen

Pflaumen und Zwetschgen hören zum Sommer wie Sonne, Eis und Urlaubs-Feeling. From July to October, those aromatic home jewels were received here in this country. Not long enough for those who fell. Fans: They are proud of 41 of the Germans who care about their clothes and enjoy their love*. That’s what these Verbrauchszahlen say. Proper cups are stored in the same year as 1.1 kilos of steinobst*. More than half of the total amount (44,000 tonnes / 2023*) originated from domestic sources – all from Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Lower Saxony.
(*Quelle: Statista, AMI, Destatis)

Germany is blue!

Ob von der Hand in den Mund, as Mus or Ketchup, with fresh Blechkuchen, as Kompott, Chutney or spicy in a Pasta with Scharfer Pflaumensauce. Steinfrüchte from the German householders are especially tasty and aromatic, that’s why – thank you for the way they sell – you can enjoy the fresh produce. We are waiting for everyone in the South of the Republic, in Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz and Bavaria, we will start with the varieties of “Katinka” and “Bühler” than the herbsüße “Auerbacher” and the “Top”-Sorts “Top, Tophit, Topper, Topfive and Toptaste” were picked. Eine Sorte, die man die gesamte Saison über im Sortiment findet. Danach since those experienced “Hauszwetschgen”, “Cacaks Schöne” and the Sort “Presenta” dran. They would also like to know more about two things: Elena and Jojo.

Everything is soft or waxy?

Die blue Früchtchen stehen für Vielfalt: Dass, was wir gemeinhin als Pflaumen bezeichnen and as Kuchenbelag spoiled, since in der Regel Zwetschgen. Obwohl Pflaume und Zwetschge – je nach Region auch als Zwetschke, Zwetsche, Prüm oder Quetsche bekannt – oft synonym spoiled, yet screams: “All Zwetschgen since Pflaumen, but not all Pflaumen since Zwetschgen”. Both belong to the Rosengewächsen, but the Swedish botanically formed one Unterart der Pflaume – with long oval form and it was smaller than the Pflaume. Geschmacklichen Zwetschgen, je nach Sorte, zwischen aromatic-mild and fine-säuerlich. Most of all, the fresh blue-violet, the fruity yellow, festivities and the pleasure of leaving the stones loose.

A new brand, a new country – and the German film – is a typical Indian for the French. There is nothing to worry about when it comes to construction and the protection of the fruit for the country. In view of this, it is a natural environment and a natural product. The stone is still round and fresh and the fresh fruit is rotten and the fruit is spoken to you. Selbst farblich kann man einen Unterschied ausmachen. Denn Pflaumen gibt es – außer in Dunkelblau – auch in Rot, Gelb und Grün.

“Blaublütige” Pioneer of the beautiful Blues

Obwohl Pflaumen und Zwetschgen from our outdoor living areas have not been thinking about since, since they have traveled Früchtchen! Much more information about the history has been prepared in this way. Zum einen Alexander der Große, der die Steinfrüchte nicht nur in seine Heimat mitbrachte, sondern Damascus auch gleich zum Zentrum des Pflaumenhandels.

With subsequent Wirkung übrigens: You can also enjoy fresh food and delicious food in your oriental kitchen and enjoy fresh meat and other tasty treats, such as in a fresh food-huhn-tajine. For others, Karl der Große: There is care for the environment, the flowers and the warmth of the medium-sized environment. Zum Glück für die Mitteleuropäer, die der violett-blauen Versuchung schnell erlegen sind!


These blue Steinfrüchte haben es in sich. They contain vitamins, minerals, trace elements and ballast materials. With Vitamin A and E as well as various B Vitamins, Requirements, Magnesium and Supplements for extra energy. And with the help of the ballast they can be stored with the weight of the ballast on the spring. You will now have plenty of space and your own self will be wonderful for your light and conscious appreciation. Now that we have a Fructose-Unverträglichkeit so that we can enjoy fresh fruit, the enthalten especially fell from Fruchtzucker.


Pflaumen und ihre small Schwestern, die Zwetschgen, haben idealerweise in pralles Aussehen. Bei Druck geben sie light nach, ohne dabei Couples zu bekommen. From the purchase of unrevealed or green specimens sollte man all the better views, so that you can see them. We are so happy with the lightness of the film, so that we can enjoy the films. Your more “Duft” is available, the better way to handle the fruit during transportation and transport. The white light is also a quality mark and a solution – if at all – first unmittelbar before the Essen was washed away, then it is the blue fruit for the Austrocknen.
Übrigens: Pflaumen schmecken etwa zwei Wochen nach ihrer Blaufärbung am best. We live in complete peace and quiet and enjoy peace and quiet.


Fresh since I am the best and the best I can do after the work is done. Bedarf halten sich Zwetschgen und Pflaumen aber bis zu einer Woche im Kühlschrank. These freshly washed unwashed and in a plastic beutel or other feuchten were carefully preserved, so that they could be lost in the first time with Kühlschrank-Klima Wasser. Entkernte Früchte weld sich sehr gut einfrieren. Then the Delicatessen will last forever. Alternativ weld sich Pflaumen und Zwetschgen durch Erhitzen as well as completely preserve. Zum Beispiel als Kompott. That’s because the bottom stones, four pieces and with water and sugar can be extracted. Die Masse anschließend in sterilisierte Gläser füllen.


The festive fruit of the fruit is perfect for backing. Otherwise, if the weather is different, they will remain warm at the higher temperatures that form. This is because of the light, gentle swimming-talk and the gentle cooking of an optimal pairing. Pflaumen weld themselves every day to prepare the cake and make the cake with crumble, sausage or cake knead. For the well-being of both aromatic steinfrüchte man in their own right, the man can easily enjoy the right way. And we are happy, that the Pflaume or the Zwetschge now can be seen, the irrt. Die Früchte schmecken excellent zu Fleischgerichten, in Salaten or zu Ziegenkäse.

Tip: The classic Pflaumenkuchen gellingt am besten mit Zwetschgen, die Reif, zu weich sein sollten.

Shaved Pflaumen with Haselnuss-Crunch

Source: BVEO