
POLITIK-BLOG/Scholz advances with Netanyahu Wafenruhe in Gaza

POLITIK-BLOG/Scholz advances with Netanyahu Wafenruhe in Gaza

DJ POLITIK-BLOG/Scholz advances at Netanyahu Wafenruhe in Gaza

The overview in the Kurzmeldungen zu Entwicklungen, Ergebnissen and Einschätzungen around the Bundesdeutsche Politik:

Scholz advances at Netanyahu Wafenruhe in Gaza

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) hat in an Anruf with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Waffenruhe in Gaza gemandert. The Federal Chancellor has brought the largest part of the expenditure in the region of Flächenbrandes in the Near East to Ausdruck, said the retiring government speaker Wolfgang Büchner mit. If you learn more, the destructive spiral of yellowing effects has emerged over time and the construction for designing a design has been completed. In this period, Scholz has learned that “now the time point has begun, the Abcommen zur Freilassung der Geiseln and a Waffenstillstands zu finalisieren”.

The military army in the camp has seen Hamas, its attacks and people lead in the Gaza Strip disgusted. The transatlantic spokesman of the trade union faction, Thomas Silberhorn (CSU), said in the Sendung Frühstart of RTL/ntv: “The Bundeskanzler should not have any questions. But will do a self-study, if the direction is about the Israeli government.” It is notorious, “that the Europeans can come together and close”.

SPD-Fraktionsvize rightnet with baldigem Ampel-Kompromiss

Spitzenvertreter van de Ampel-colonial setzen op een baldiges Ende des Haushaltsstreits. “I am happy that the Bundesregierung in dieser Woche die noch offenen Fragen zum Haushaltsentwurf clear and ihren gemeinsamen Entwurf anschließend dem Parlament übergibt”, said SPD-Fraktionsvize and Haushälter Achim Post der Rheinischen Post. This means that there is no loss in the price of 4 to 5 billion euros, “it is an excellent solution – with the best wishes for all coalition partners – machbare Aufgabe”. The Bundestag was subsequently rejected by the plan at the end of November. Green Party Representative Andreas Audretsch started the debate on the Haushalt “overflowing”. It didn’t last any longer, it wasn’t good. “The Rechtslage gives all the possibilities. Time, the Finance Minister concentrates on solutions that function for Germany.” The country has its own house, the social network would invest in the Bahn, in the infrastructure and in the financing of the external economy.

FDP will receive Citizen Money for all Empfänger “schnellstmöglich”.

The FDP Bundestag faction is striving for a sense of citizen money for all employers. Group leader Christian Dürr dies with inflation. “The solid state policy of the finance ministers is increasing inflation more than we think. Citizen money has fallen from 14 to 20 euros in a month,” he said in the Bild-Zeitung. “I think inflation is not that big if inflation is higher than inflation. It could be that inflation has incurred a burden of 850 million euros,” says the group leader. The FDP has abandoned the “necessary statutory changes”, so Dürr. “We should bring all that on the road as quickly as possible.”

Klingbeil is looking for fast finishing zum Haushalt

The SPD chairwoman Lars Klingbeil has critically assessed the struggle in the Ampel-colonial situation in the Haushalt 2025 and has longed for it. “This complete clean-up, which has been experienced in the last week, war is completely unnecessary, he has ignored the war, he has not yet sufficiently protected the country”, said Klingbeil in an ARD summer interview with the sender. There is a chance that the direction will go on the caress. It is the task of a federal government, the parliament is a Haushalt of the government, it says. “That must now also pass in the next week.” The insulting fragments stop for the rest. It has been said that it “has all sense, it is good”. Klingbeil criticism for all the public Streit a solitary point of discussion. If it is about a “no house, where interest rates are”, and there will be more man in the trade. It is “I am a quiet and the communication, and the war in the world that is not good”. There is talk of a right, “that man other political power, if he in the Regie is conducted”.

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August 12, 2024 03:56 ET (07:56 GMT)

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