
ANALYSIS FLASH: UBS Calls Siemens on ‘Buy’

ANALYSIS FLASH: UBS Calls Siemens on ‘Buy’

dpa-AFX · O’clock

ZURICH (dpa-AFX) – The Schweizer Großbank UBS has made a purchase for Siemens after “Buy” with a price of 200 euros. One of the German orders as merging numbers for the written business quarter has kept its estimates extended, wrote analyst Andre Kukhnin in one of the previous studies. There is a fact that a large part of the positive excess of a larger software debt was no longer possible, it was no longer possible./ck/ajx

Release of the Original Study: 12.08.2024 / 02:07 / GMT

First post of the original study: 12.08.2024 / 02:07 / GMT


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onvista Premium Article

It could be interesting