
Achtung, Zoll! Willkommen in Australia

Achtung, Zoll! Willkommen in Australia

Achtung, Zoll! Willkommen in Australia – TV program 3PLUS

Achtung, Zoll! Willkommen in Australia

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Marken Sie, when man Sie anlügt? If you turn on the zolls, you can listen to the standard repertoire this fall. It is gilded for the beams and the borders of Down Under. The so-called “Border Security” on the Australian continent is a technically advanced part of technology, with its detection and security equipment, a package of continuous and special parts of Sprengstoff-nachzuweisen, the trotzdem is an elementary instinct. The flight to Melbourne stops traveling without the applicable rules. Many people have the best immunity, Smuggel von Bargeld and Drogen or illegal Einreiseversuche kommen dort right häufig vor. A solution to solving problems, which the Zöllner his geschulten Blick auf alles prescribed, was an unusual shine. DMAX has accompanied the rays on his upcoming orbit.
