
More than 47,000 hits in the past years

More than 47,000 hits in the past years

A study conducted in 2023 found more than 47,000 Hitzetote in Europe.

After more than 47,000 people and the following temperatures, the expert assessment has occurred since the past years. War World of 2023 was the warm year that marked the start of the war. The ongoing study led by the “Barcelona Institute for Global Health” would be published in the Fachblatt “Nature Medicine”. Darin informs the international Forschungsgruppe that an attack has been made on the Hitze-stattgefunden-hat.

The team used the star clauses of the European Statistical Data (Eurostat) of 96 million Todesfällen, a hitzebedingte sterblichkeitslast in the year 2023 for 823 regions in 35 European countries in schätzen. Danach eraben sich im vergangen Jahr 47,690 hitzebedingte Todesfälle in Europa. It is the highest price that started in 2015. The highest price will be reached in 2022.

Unter Bevöcksichtigung der Bevölkerungszahlte die Forschungsgruppe fest, dass die Länder mit den meisten Hitzetoten in Südeuropa lie: Vorne lie demnach Griechenland (393 Todesfälle pro eine Million Einwohner), Bulgarien (229), Italy (209) and Spanien (175). In Germany this rate was 76 Todesfällen for one million euros in one year.

In absolute terms, the Forscher number of Hitzetoten for 2023 was 12,750 in Italy, 8,352 in Spain and 6,376 in Germany. Anyone who quickly queries all countries can find more German women here and follow the next hits. Instructions were given to make all people make a mistake.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has registered 3,200 Hitzetote in Germany in 2023. The numbers of the RKI and the Barcelona teams are ready for 2022. There is an RKI expert who has the Unterschied another with unterschiedlichen Definitions of “Hitze” to his habe.

The team is an Elisa Gallo from Barcelona who is a model for the early years of the successful development of the air passage. You can use another kind of work in the Achieve Health Care, Social Protection and Life Still, Fortschritte bei der Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz and at the baulichen Gegenheiten, a strong risk awareness signal and the same communication and early warning strategy.

The research team estimates that the hotly anticipated mortality in 2023 in the general population without this mass increase is probably an 80 percent and in the population group from 80 years an over 100 percent higher lying figure. “There is no question of it being a transitory process in the course of time and the high temperature is reached, the affected consequences and the last mortal consequences of the summer that have been caused are subordinate to the whole human being”, explained Gallo.

When the time comes, the minimum sterile temperature – the optimum temperature with the light star risk – has always been high across the continents since 2000, so Gallo. And from 15 degrees Celsius in the period 2000 to 2004 to 17.7 degrees Celsius in the years 2015 to 2019: “The fact that there has been little change since the beginning of the year was significant because of the overall social impact, which is why The individual relationships and the aspects of the health benefits that have been passed on since the record summer 2003 are the plans for health prevention.

The first time the Research Group uses an online warning system with “”, is available for 580 regions in 31 European states. Forecasts for star risk in the future with cold and heat after bad and old weather. The free tool is a good forecast 15 days into the future and no longer on meteorological data, but sees an epidemiological model as a.