
Hanf-Laden near Munich started Pilot project: “Pionier work has always resulted in good sacrifice”

Hanf-Laden near Munich started Pilot project: “Pionier work has always resulted in good sacrifice”

Aschheim – Pavol Bobek shakes his head violently and shouts at some foreigners, because others have fallen, orderly other copies are kept. “Da sind keine Samen drin!”, said a look at the Steckling from the Styropor-Röhrchen heraus. “Das is een Schnitt von der Mutterpflanze”, erklärt is een deutet in de schräg abgeschnittenen Stiel.

There is a long container called “Maximus”, the LED lamps in rosafarbenes Licht tauchen – Full spectrum light from blue to red, which Bobek explains. It is important that you get the optimal view of the display of the special art – der Gattung Hanf.

The gelernte-grafiker knows best from the anlagen of Art. There is talk of Thaibasilikum in der Slovakei in the Solchen Containern-angebaut, sagt er. The cannabis purchase, it may be that we are more lucrative. If the Steckling has no right anymore, this is the Plantagen-Container on the Parkplatz of the ehemalige Rewe-Markts in Aschheim, bare.

A Cannabis Plug costs 20 Euros

From 18 years old light on the Tag, then you look at the inside of the Tagen with a single Zentimeter to the LED-Leiste of the jewelry display – and is ready for the Verkauf. For a price of 20 Euro it is a matter of getting into the Hanf-Laden-nature world, its own and other options. Wenzel Cerveny has founded the Rewe-Markt for his Hanf-Vorhaben.

The “mutterflanzen” are from the cannabis activist community in a large lagerraum behind the greenhouse. Here you will find a number of meters with cannabis-gewächse Zwiss fans in Kübeln – der Anbau sei erlaubt, “weil die Pflanzen noch nicht blue”.

In every possible way: The container, in the Wenzel Cerveny Cannabis-Stecklinge-zieht, can be quickly moved with the Kran.
In every possible way: The container, in the Wenzel Cerveny Cannabis-Stecklinge-zieht, can be quickly moved with the Kran.
© Hannes Magerstädt
In every possible way: The container, in the Wenzel Cerveny Cannabis-Stecklinge-zieht, can be quickly moved with the Kran.

by Hannes Magerstädt


Der Gesetzgeber sees Pflanzen in die Stadion as Vermehrungsmaterial and unterscheidet sie von bluhenden Exemplaren, die berauschenden Wirkstoff THC inhalt. Damit the Pflanzen das Blüte-Stadium is not present, but is not on the light. The mutter flanges represent the Grundlage for the Stecklinge in the container.

“We sincerely die first, diesen Container in Deutschland in Betrieb nehmen zijn”, said Cerveny stolz. There may be ideas in the market, but it cannot be realized.

An industrial type plant with purple light effects.

Grüner Daumen? AZ-Redakteurin testet Cannabis-Anbau selbst


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Drei Cannabis-Pflanzen darf man ab 1. April in the blessing Wohnung großziehen. Children dare again and die Pflanzen noch and das "Grass" Come.

“Very busy”: Community in Munich competes for a Cannabis Club


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Cerveny buy derzeit Hanf-Stecklinge aus Österreich in seiner Aschheimer Naturerlebnis Welt, we are useless Nutz-Hanfprodukte gibt, von der Fußcreme über Getränke bis zur Kleidung and Bettwäsche. The Stecklinge yards in spatestens sechs Monaten Konsum-Cannabis ab.

“Die Käufer stehen Schlange”: Streit um Cannabis-Club near Munich in …


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“That will be the future”, is one of the most important container projects. Bislang is now a loner on the large parking lot, but it will be nothing. There will be more containers placed, in the future we will get more water and a blue sollen, so that this has happened. “Today’s setting will be the first study of the plans made.”

Die Behörden durchkreuzen de Plane des Hanf-Aktivisten

So if it is so, don’t let that plan go: at the end of July, the police and the Hanf-Stand in front of the Sinnflut-Festival Stecklinge swung with a song about a seizure, erzählt Cerveny and spricht von “Schikane”.

But von Solchen Aktionen will not be able to read it themselves: “Those Behörden have themselves the Valschen Menschen ausgesucht, with them sie anlegen.” With the Verlust, then there is an empowered hat, which is abgefunden itself with every offenbar: “Pionier work that always demands sacrifice.”

The Auseinandersetzung with the Police turned out not to be the only Hürde: The Gemeinde Aschheim had ihm in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft on the other streets a Spielplatz for that Tür setztt (AZ messageete).

If stress is present, the container will be delivered

There is a miniature version with two Federwippen, a small house and a banker. When the investigation has begun, a Hanf-Betrieb is one of the most important: the Federal Law prohibits the Betrieb of Cannabis-Clubs in a community of 200 meters of debts, kindergartens and playground equipment.

With the help of their own educational activities, they will be happy with their business activities in the community
With the help of their own educational activities, they will be happy with their business activities in the community
© private
With the help of their own educational activities, they will be happy with their business activities in the community

from private


Cervenys Lösung: der Container. “If the Gemeinde Ärger macht, kommt der Kran und der Container woanders hin”, erklärt sein Pressesprecher. Auf irgendeinen abgelegenen Bauernhof etwa, meint there.

The container has been restored by Bobek, a factory in China. It takes a long time to develop the technology and patents are available. Cerveny will see 6000 Stecklinge run here every month.

If you put the technology in the container at a constant temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, you can find a CO₂ gasification station. The coal dioxide anteil is so that it is four times as nice as in the air.

Chickens forbidden to be gilded in Munich beer gardens. Want to know how it works?

Söders Kiff-Verbot: In Munich zeichnet sich dieser Sonderweg ab


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The hand goes best.

Es geht in den Urlaub: Was passionert met de Cannabis-Pflanzerln?


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The own Anbau and the Mitgliedschaft are for the man who has become Cannabis-Liebhaber. Make sure that the dents shift. The platforms, the recipes ausstellen, are no longer possible.

Ärztin aus München sauer weg Online platforms: “In five minutes …



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In the container that Bobek has connected to a pump system, one of the closed water circuits is sorted: “The water is not there”, he explains, “otherwise algae are forming.” If you are dealing with additives, you will find an ideal solution for boiling liquids.

Der Anbau soll soll “höchsten Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsansprüchen entsprechen and de Documentationpflicht für die Behörden inheritance”.

Politiker has been prepared to take a closer look

To get an idea of ​​my machine from that “Pilot Project”, politics sees for the past: Laut Cerveny has given such an appointment to the Bundestag’s deputy Sandra Bubendorfer-Licht (FDP) in the middle of the week – the FDP has brought about the legalization of cannabis by way of leadership of the Ampel coalition.

Auch Pflanzen in dieser Größe und Menge darf Cerveny besitzen – solange sie nicht blue. If that is the case, it must be carried out in a light manner.
Auch Pflanzen in dieser Größe und Menge darf Cerveny besitzen – solange sie nicht blue. To prevent this, it must be kept light.
© Hannes Magerstädt
Auch Pflanzen in dieser Größe und Menge darf Cerveny besitzen – solange sie nicht blue. If that is the case, it must be carried out in a light manner.

by Hannes Magerstädt


Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has announced a restrictive arrangement for the new governments in Bavaria. “Söder expects to abolish the law on all sides”, Cerveny scoffs.

It has been decided that there is a new referendum, that is the start of the Bundestagswahlkampf. “If it does not work, it is here in Bavaria of the Kings a herrschen kann, who wants it too”, says.

Whoever has the most federal states blockers of the Free State of Bavaria, gets the legalization. There is a Bavarian Minister of Health Judith Gerlach (CSU) loaded, the prototype is designed. A project looks like an example for future construction associations and Hofft, the initiative for acceptance and regulation of cannabis construction associations is supported.

If the form of a donnerstag is no longer a Stecklinge in the royal containers, but it is still not the next: Then will begin with the beginning of the Anbau in the Grossformat. Schon nächste Woche then lasts an example in the Verkaufsregal der Natuur-Erlebniswelt stehen.