
Dieser Spanische Türsteher soorgt mit seinem fast perfekten Deutsch an der Playa in Mallorca für Erstaunen und Ordnung

Dieser Spanische Türsteher soorgt mit seinem fast perfekten Deutsch an der Playa in Mallorca für Erstaunen und Ordnung

Wenn man as Urlauber in Mallorca in the blessing Muttersprache zur Ordnung geufen wird, then said it was my Wirkung. Provide a longer time for life, who Oscar Alvarez always whoever experiences it, gets used to it Partying at the Playa de Palma If Türsteher einschreiten muss, sei es, weil Gäste Eiswürfel umherwerfen or sich sonst wie daneben benehmen. The 52 year old, from the Eltern of the Asturian tribes, was born in Mönchengladbach and lived there bis zu seinem 14. Lebensjahr gebt. Flying German is spoken. And that has never happened before rasping speed.

Look in my interview with the MZ, if there is an Arbeit like Türsteher. Nur ganz seltenkracht Álvarez Fehler – sagt etwa “wogte” instead of “wog”. These details are possible than the Party Guest who shows the Herkunft von Álvarez. „Bist du Deutscher?“ This Frage höre is beinahe bei der Schicht. And if so as a Spaniard to recognize, glaubten ihm fell first a niece.

Deutschkenntnisse als Ass im Ärmel

The German Sprache is in Ass im Ärmel. „85 Outlook of the problem Usually you can deal with the guests, so Álvarez, the owner of the only tursteher on the beach, is the German flight. Zomindeste eenige useful places whoever said “Mach bitte deinen Rucksack auf” or “Das dare nicht mit rein” was given a school bag. But that’s rich? “Diesel watering with the guest you use provides one or more things very different respect.“That’s good if a German course for all colleges in the holiday area is generally true.

Oscar Álvarez at MZ interview. Bendgens

From Waiter to the Door

Ursprünglich wolllte Álvarez zur Polizei. But with signals 1.71 meters war is not great. Requires 1.78 meter size. The roads started in Alter von 19 years in a pub in Gijón as Kellner. “Ab and a gab es Drive among the guests. I am immer dazwischengedingen“, there is a job. So see the damage Chef seine Fähigkeiten als Vermittler as his quiet, but appointed art has fallen. There is another question. It takes a few years before you take a position of power in a security service.

Museum, Bordell, Politician

Later it’s time for a Museum for Precious Ausstellungsobjekte a regularity can take a while in the Einlass a Bordells with beef 60 Prostitutes. “It was exciting and very rewarding, so that no one else wanted to work.” But anyway, there was pleasure in the work that was done, but in my time it was safe to do so. bordell before, and hereditary men, who cause trouble. An appeal is made to the end Bodyguard for politiciansanyway, who are visible to the Basques, will soon be discovered Terrorist group ETA stand, who Álvarez erzählt is. The job has been out for 20 years. „I hated my pistol at night in the cold weather.“

Óscar Álvarez is Türsteher, Bodyguard and Übersetzer. For your Tätigkeit hat der 52-Jährige the official Ausweis. Bendgens

From Ballermann

A Tages is then a thing German private channel – deutsches Fernsehen schaut is auch heute noch regulmäßig – een beitrag über den Ballermann. „I had no life, that is the only island such a big partygoer gibt.“ Signal interest was so strongly aroused. “Two days of spare time on the island, with everything in mind for the future, and the first contact I had.” After all, on the Balearic Islands if the work could be done, be careful there at Security Firmen an der Playa. „“They work directly for me,” so Álvarez. There is also the Festland on the Insel. The war lasts a long time.

From the Playa and the Court

In the blessing of Freizeit, there are tagsüber für signals Geschmack zu fell hatteit is a question of dependency. There is talk that it is a part of the income of another for a specific target, the German beherschen. It is also the case that Arbeitsfeld heran. „Schon zwei Später hatte ich meinen first Fall, a celebration with the officers of the National Police at Ballermann,” Álvarez reported.

Is also an Übersetzer: Óscar Álvarez. Bendgens

Mittlerweile is in regular use Criminal and family law. “Steuerangelegenheiten, etwa Betrug, mache I bewusst nicht, um nichts Falsches zu übersetzen.” It is not that it is in Thema. This war is a process with the Kegelbrüdern in Einsatz. „I’m here to stay as soon as possible.” Vor three years Lernte is here to know Tätigkeit auch seine Frau. “Sie ist Anwältin für Criminal and Family Law. Manchmal sehen wir uns auf der Beit“, so der Spanier, “wir haben aber ausgemacht, dass wir niems einen Fall Zusammen bemachen.“

Ungern mache is Einsätze, in Danes Verwandten die Nachricht vom Tod eines Angehörigen überbracht were muss. Álvarez begleitet dann de Beamten en übersetzt für si. “Das tut einfach weh”, so there Übersetzer, Bodyguard and Türsteher, If you’ve done something, it’s worth asking for help to sit down.

College bij de Arbeit verletzt

“Many people think that I am wrapped in battle gear every day. That is not the case. You have not received a single penalty in 30 years, but you have received a haircut or a pat on the back, from the Spaniard. Just look at it Rangelei transverse positionit is a matter of Mal aufs Neue. „If we are both man and woman in our country since we have a large Fußball group, we will work together. it’s a game of its own making.

Nicht nur in Extremsituationen muss is een tragics Ereignis thinken: In een Diskothek op dem Festland kam es im November 2023 zu einem Zwischenfall, at the college starb. “We are happy with our lives. There are dazwischengegangs. Dann combs a Dritter Mann weighing 140 pounds. There are many clues in the head,’ says Álvarez. It can happen that a fall occurs and the Tage später is destroyed.

Skilled Questions for Problems

Álvarez’s life is not at stake in a Vorfall brach there itself aber sein knee and war fun Monate long mad history. “It’s past 1.30 o’clock at night. Damals is not going to Glaskrüge. A betrunkener Guest will offer others a different challenge. I am dazwischengegaan. Der Guest Weigh 80 Kilos More If I were still alive,” Álvarez remembers. First a comment was made, but it can also be thought about.

Confusion prevented

It is best to do this, to unbind anger and violence from here. There is no first time that there is a possible hindrance. „Ain deceived woman want to get some fresh air. A man has given a hint, he is his assistant and he is working his way home. “Ich habe ihn natürlich nicht gelassen”, so Álvarez. After all these years of becoming a problem for the locals, it is so that it goes like this dried or dried sold. “Nicht eenmal met Perücke, Hut oder einer Sonnenbrille kommen die mir vorbei.”

Contact Óscar Álvarez: IG: oscar_security_mallorca