
Reported from the patient in case of illness: Polizei gibt Entwarnung

Reported from the patient in case of illness: Polizei gibt Entwarnung

Whoever the police are, has returned the missing young woman to the hospital.

It is not possible to make a Straftat payment.

Hamburg- A time trial from Hamburg Since then Montag has been missing. Die Police bittet bei der Suche nach ihm um the Mithilfe der Bevölkerung.

A police officer from Hamburg was missing near Montag. Mittlerweile hat die Polizei Entwarnung arose: Er is wieder da. (Symbol photo)

A police officer from Hamburg was missing near Montag. Mittlerweile hat die Polizei Entwarnung arose: Er is wieder da. (Symbol photo) © Friso Gentsch/dpa

After the time when the young age was made known in the Vormittag, a visit was made at 11.15 am to an enterprise (15) of the Gelände a Krankenhauses in the Liliencronstraße, in which it is located at the time.

If they both visited, the chances are slim. Von ihnen fehlt jede Spur.

If the Bishreigen no longer do such things, the ermittler are now busy with pictures in their eyes.

If you want to use an Aufenthaltsort, this will be a Rufnummer 040/428656789 or a police guard.

Who are the Missing See, you see it right away in the Notruf 110 report.