
TMTG-Aktie in Rot: Q2-Ergebnisse von Trump Media – Neuer Streaming-Dienst soll Umsatzwachstum erhöhen | 12.08.24

TMTG-Aktie in Rot: Q2-Ergebnisse von Trump Media – Neuer Streaming-Dienst soll Umsatzwachstum erhöhen | 12.08.24

• TMTG Power in Q2 Verlust
• New Streaming Service Truth+ Gets Started
• Action reacts gemächlich

2. Quarter 2024

I have seen the Freitag of the Truth Social-Mutterkonzern Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) during the second quarter of 2024. Laut entsprechender Pressemitteilung hat der Konzern, der vom republikanischen US-Präsidentschaftscandidate Donald Trump was founded, in the second quarter of the year a surplus of 837,000 US dollars was generated. The net surplus remained at 16.4 million US dollars in the second quarter. With half of the net surplus, 8.3 million US dollars, which were included in the press conference with the judge, the costs with the merger of TMTG with Digital World Acquisition Corp can be paid, which will end the war in March 2024. The surplus per action was at 10 cents in the quarter.

“TMTG has the social platform of truth on domestic and foreign network, is known on the NASDAQ, which has built a strong Bilanz of Schulden, its own hardware infrastructure and its own software system with its own content delivery network purchased and accelerated ,,Ensure that a high-quality TV streaming on the gesamte truth social platform is possible – and everything can take a few more years,” said Devin Nunes, CEO of TMTG.

Trump Media Launches TV Streaming Service

If you want to pay the $3.1 million external IT consulting and software costs, you can connect the new TV streaming services with the software integration.

After the launch of Quartal TMTG on the TV streaming platform Truth+ on the gesamten Truth Social Platform, simply iOS, Android and I am web. The streaming technology of TMTG was extended with the press by a speziell infrastructure with own servers, routers and software stacks. TMTG is a full-fledged control over the Tech-Delivery-Stack for the streaming of the private network CDN, a service that offers great technical support.

Additional plane is the introduction of streaming apps, which are integrated into the Truth Social Platform as. These apps are modern features, which can work with an interactive 14-day program, allowing them to be sent to Instant Catch-up TV, video-on-demand subscriptions on a marketplace.

The company factory is expanding, there are streaming options that go further, where the focus is on news, Christian contents and family-friendly programs. While the introduction was carried out by TMTG with tax and beta testing of the streaming technology, feedback from users came together and the results of the tests that made the exclusion of the introduction possible.

When the TV streams start in August 2024, the transmissions of the waiting engines for long-term broadcasts and events will begin. In the phase of the independence phase of people engaged in the long production, the optimization of the platform and the new technology as scientific strategies for a solid and sustainable action are carried out.

So respond to the TMTG action via NASDAQ

The TMTG-action swung in the Freitagshandel swiss small goods and delights in her and her. Letztendlich went from 0.49 percent to 26.21 US dollars in the price. And if you do not see the trade anymore, this is a minimal Kursausschläge. So it is about a NASDAQ-Trade of 0.08 percent to a value of 26.19 US dollars.

Montag has exited the TMTG action. I am NASDAQ-Trading with a zeitweise of 6.30 percent to 24.56 US-dollars.

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