
Grüner Stahl: Was it a revolution in steel production for a sustainable future?

Grüner Stahl: Was it a revolution in steel production for a sustainable future?

© Swiss Steel Group
© Swiss Steel Group

The production process has begun

Emmenbrücke/Witten – The steel industry is part of the economic sector and plays a separate role for the global economy.

The most important thing is that conventional steel production offers the highest energy-intensive and high-quality mixture and gas emissions. Laut Schätzungen is the steel industry that is responsible for 7% to 9% of the world’s CO2 emissions. If you focus on reducing the pressure on the production of gas emissions and the note, the climate walking emission, the alternative ways to find steel recovery, one of your production is a very pleasant way of gestalten.

On the way to Treibhaus gas neutrality, the recently revised Climate Protection Act (KSG) in Germany for the industrial sector imposes a fixed energy source. So until 2030, the THG emission will amount to 118 million. Tons sink. The aim of a further reduction is a decrease in the emission of the year 2021, which amounts to 181 million. Tons lay. Green Steel proposes a number of spreading products, one of the highest controlled decarbonization souls available.

What is Green Steel?

By Green Steel or Grüner Stahl, climate-neutral or CO2-armen Stahl, with innovative technologies and production products, the environmental impact of Stahlrepair is minimized. In the production of conventional steel production, the energy-intensive energy intensity and the high mixing and the release of gas consumption, the soul of Green Steel will reduce the CO2 emissions of CO2 emissions. Therefore, the new Standard LESS should be supported. The Low Emission Steel Standard (LESS) is an initiative that is one of the most important ways to emphasize climate standards in the steel industry.
LESS combines both production routes of steel recovery and possibly a comparable effect of decarbonization and reinforcement. If the concrete is gilded, it is a standard standard, if the product is rolled. Darin liegt der eigentliche Unterschied zu bisherigen Ansätzen dieser Art. If LESS products are produced, no one can produce a smooth sample. During an environmentally friendly system of knowledge and a structural classification of low-CO2 recovery, the Stahl provides less transparency and is more environmentally friendly.

Application area for Green Steel

In the automotive industry, Green Steel is an option for developing crash management components for anti-tire surges and crash management components. By optimizing the material properties for specific applications, a material improvement can be achieved, which can lead to a reduction in weight and emissions. About the hereditary know-how that the steelworks of the Swiss Steel Group have developed: The flowing steel structure is cast in the foreign company from billets and processed in rolling mills from wire or steel. The planning of the temperature control during rolling plays a separate role for the representation of desired properties and the mechanical-technological properties of Roh materials.
For the restoration of high and high festivities steels, the steel restorers vary from the sogenante Abzug at Ziehprozess. The reduction of the stitch workers at the see is greater, the higher is the Verfestigungsgrad. During the warm hot water treatment in Switzerland
Steel Group has improved the mechanical-technological properties of steel companies – i.e. the material of the company in its work on its Verzugseigenschaften. Achebnis is an innovative special style, which breaks through all common features of material properties such as Tenacity and Festigkeit.

In the machine and analysis construction sector, Green Steel is chosen for the highest quality in construction, the high load is ausgesetzt. The use of the material and the toughness of the materials ensure that the production processes are effective.

In medical technology, the most advanced high-tech technology with Einsatz, which are fragmented stainless steel and hygiene, is used, especially for surgical instruments.

Recovery of Green Steel

There are two common methods for stabilization.

Stahl was connected with an Einsatz of Eisenerz and Koks in the Hochofen production, but the fact that no green Stahl could be or in an Elektrolichtbogen of Stahlschrott. The Swiss Steel Group (SSG) has expanded the electric arcofen technology.

There has been a study by the Swiss Steel Group that lies about the CO2 emissions on the electric arc furnace route that is 83% below the industry long-term cut. With the extensive Green Steel portfolio of the Swiss Steel Group, you can buy the best products for your path in a sustainable future production line. Dazu has seen Green Steel Climate+, the first solution that Anwender thought is that this is no longer possible. These products are developed with power from energy sources such as wind, solar and water, and ensure that CO2 emissions are still created.
By using Green Steel Stainless+, the properties of the company are: Your after request profile is corrosion and heat resistant, the indicated mechanical properties or is non-magnetic. These types of punks are particularly attractive for a very likely power due to their optical and architectural features.
Beispiele hierfür since die Verwendung in der Bauindustrie, in de Automobilbranche, voor Haushaltsgeräte and in der Medizin-, Luft- und Raumfahrtnik. Green Steel Stainless+ certified according to ISO 14021 with over 95% recycling. Material repaired.

Insights & Innovations

Green Steel is one of the most sustainable ways to optimize the recovery process and reduce your German savings. Proudly based on best infrastructure and cost improvements, Green Steel offers great potential, a vital part of the
Decarbonization of the industry. If you continue the purchase and management, the production is continuously optimized and more efficient. One of the many obstacles on the way to one of the most important decarbonizations of the steel industry, is that there is a two-tier regime, industry and research facilities that are urgently required. Now that the cooperation with the infrastructure of the washing material infrastructure is continued, the operating costs and the costs of the costs are so high that a high value is achieved. At the same time, investments and innovations are required by the industry, a legal requirement for the sustainable steel to be used.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /