
MMA series Max Holzer: A prize Batman and a Schuss Toy Story – Warten auf Endgegner Torsten Legat

MMA series Max Holzer: A prize Batman and a Schuss Toy Story – Warten auf Endgegner Torsten Legat

Waiting for Thorsten Legat
Success Recipe Holzer: A Batman Prize and a Schuss Toy Story

By Michael Bauer

Mixed-Martial-Arts-Events have a high show. Before the fighter gets into a verbal fight, then the Fighter will be Respect. German MMA-Fighter Max Holzer has developed fans with his art – and it is a fact that the Käfigs have come out well.

In Germany, no young sport of Mixed Martial Arts is popular yet and only a generation of younger champions in professional football. Max Holzer is one of the things he does that doesn’t go beyond inheritance. The 22-year-olds could win all eight profikämpfe auf beeindruckende Weise, at Oktagon 60 am 7. September in Oberhausen another step will be taken. Holzer hat is züdem intellecten, dass zum Sport auch ein gewisser Anteil Show gehört.

On social media or in the arena: Holzer has paved his own way, the fans can no longer stop the kafigs. With the help of our troops, we were prepared to be prepared for a battle post with the Botschaft “Will we have our battle? Yes/Nein/Vielleicht” filmed, which was also filmed during the Maschsee War.

The battle between the Hannover fighting school and the Einlauf began in a costume, the war with Batman or Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. “Ich orientiere mich da an den Gegnern”, said his interview with “My opponent Corey Fry comes from Post Malone, I think Buzz Lightyear also got an astronaut costume.” He let opponent Eemil Kurhela know that he was from Superman, “and now that Batman has come to power, he has lost the food of the Comic heroes”. The Ergebnis is a war between men and women: Holzer is dominant per Aufgabegriff.

The Selbstvermarktung is heard for an MMA-Kämpfer Mittlerweile zum Job dazu. “Das soll aber in eenm bestimmten Rahmen bleiben. Die Events ne ververanstaltung zirkus, der Sport is in de foreground”, said Holzer.

The head must remain free

And here the German federal weight (up to 66 kg) is heavy, but it is an unconventional Herangehensweise. “That Gegner often did not know, he was not white, but he himself was not white,” says Holzer. A special development of the Gegner is a better experience: “The whole thing is about everything, the man thinks, that is the way to function. Aber mein Kopf soll free bleiben. Im Kampf often comes differently, when man plans. Natürlich gibt It’s a game plan that, if you do it again, will be the complete solution.” Schließlich müsse man in MMA sports is willing to improvise.

Things changed a lot in the four years I had it. “I don’t live in the same way as others in my life. My whole day and my leisure since sport abgestimt. That has become a lifeslide.” Bereichen has become a professional in all of them. It is a mittlerweile of the sport that can be, but it starts with fishing for karriere that has not been rechnet. Trotz seiner starken Bilanz steckt sich Holzer vorst keine ganz großen Ziele. “I am MMA-Sport is a plan. Of course the record will come out.”

Always in mind

Wobei is a good option for Augen hat: The 22-year-old will get jungle camper Thorsten Legat antreten. “I will not get into trouble anymore. I will watch the reality TV and not see the broadcast as a football match anymore.” It is possible that a German representative of an MMA-Kampf has the best sollen. I have left the ex-kicker and the motivations behind me, but letztlich has not gone crazy. “Ich bin da, Thorsten Legat zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Das Alter is in the nicht retten.”

In Oberhausen, Holzer played a role with Pascal Hintzen, who waged war in the political organization KSW. There is who Holzer is a floor specialist. As a rule, you cannot find the best types in your best Disziplin. “I am in all respects better than there. After all, it is worth it, so I can make it, so I can bring it to Boden.”

Have the ring name “Daywalker” appear, while the vampire movie “Blade” appears, a. With a button launch wolle Holzer aber nicht in the Halle-laufen. “I was in love with Bessares. That is not the case with my husband. More will not be forgotten.” Holzer müsse aber immer beim Veranstalter nachfragen, weilche Auftritte eigentlich nicht gesehen since. “Aber ich glaube: Mittlerweile has ich a Freifahrtschein.”