
Klöckner at “Hart aber fair”: “The Hamas right with our reactions” | Politics

Klöckner at “Hart aber fair”: “The Hamas right with our reactions” | Politics

After Israeli fear at a Hamas headquarters ended in a school in Gaza CDU-Politician Julia Klöckner (51) ARD Talkmaster Louis Klamroth (34) nachdrücklich for the Teuflischen Methode der Hamas gewarnt, Bilder und Berichte über tote Frauen und Kinder als Propagandawaffe einzusetzen.

“I am skeptical about the Zahlen, the terrorists out there,” stated the politician, who as the Mitglied der Deutsch-Israëlische Gesellschaft has been pursuing the Kriegs- en Krisengebiet journey for years. “We dare not to touch the Leim!”

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Klöckner’s shaky preface: “Israel has the right, it is a lie, and it is his lie: it is natural that Hamas considers Iran terrorists who are merciful to Hisbollah with our reactions. See these images! They use their own population as a protective shield!”

Innenpolitikerin Lamya Kaddor (46, Green) dagegen rückte bereits von der bisher klaren Haltung der Ampel-Mehrheit ab: “The Sicherheit und Existenz Israels, naturlich ist das unsere Staatsräson, die gilded dauerhaft and immer, aber sie gilded nicht voor jede Israeli Regierung.” Dafür promptly received the first applause.

Grünen-Politikerin Lamya Kaddor (46)

Grünen-Politikerin Lamya Kaddor (46)

Photo: The First/ARD

Shooting fever

Chef Philipp Peyman Engel (41) of the “Jüdische Allgemeinen” told De Lage at the Punkt: “Israel is a shadow of a schiitische Feuerring”, he said. “Iran was allowed to leave Israel!”

English Analysis: “Israel will do everything that it can, it will not be able to make any difference. Hamas has gained power and this is how it will go. Terrorists since the end of the day: Sie sagen, sie vorhaben!”

Chef Philipp Peyman Engel (41) from the “Jüdische Allgemeinen” am Montagabend at “Hart aber fair”

Chef Philipp Peyman Engel (41) from the “Jüdische Allgemeinen” am Montagabend at “Hart aber fair”

Photo: The First/ARD

“Wohlfeil and Verlagen”

Regarding the existing right of Israel as the German state raison the journalist complained: “It is not that it is good, but it is not taxable. If Satz notices the seriousness of the matter, the Federal Government of Israel must have a military support!”

There is a miracle, so Engel says: ‘the government of the Federal Government is busy with the Sonntagsreden and the Holocaust Memorial Days sagas: Antisemitismus hat in diesem Land keinen Platz, wir stehen an der Seite unserer israelischen Brüder und Schwestern.’ But ‘wenn’s heart when the heart comes, don’t go any further at first. That’s great, bigoted and lied to!”

“The Hamas could die during the war within their society”

The Palestinian sociologist Jules El-Khatib (33, Ex-Linke) ensures that “keine Waffen mehr and also keine Teile für Waffenlieferung für Israel!” When he saw Benjamin Netanyahu’s direction, “Gaza is one of the Insel der Ruinen zu machen“.

But Engel told the Vorwurf punktgenau: “That Hamas can die Krieg innerhalb von Sekunden bones, indem sie die Geiseln free!”

Die Gäste (from left): Philipp Peyman Engel, Julia Klöckner, Lamya Kaddor, Louis Klamroth, Enissa Amani, Jules El-Khatib, Daniel Gerlach

Die Gäste (from left): Philipp Peyman Engel, Julia Klöckner, Lamya Kaddor, Louis Klamroth, Enissa Amani, Jules El-Khatib, Daniel Gerlach

Photo: The First/ARD

“The state of affairs is always good, when the sun shines,” said Klöckner. „Ob Freunde sisterammenhalten, sayt themselves in changeable situations!”

The Iranian podcaster Enissa Amani (42) has taken a more serious view of the CDU fraud when right-wing extremists say: “Sorry about the fact that I am a part of a party, there are no flags of queer people, in Saxony! Machen Sie mal Ihren Job Rich!”

The publisher Daniel Gerlach (47) of “Zenith” said: “The survival of the war, the survival of Gaza, the generations and a society of war, strong and caring behind human beings are important. That’s it, Vergeltung zu üben!”

Publisher Daniel Gerlach (47) of “Zenith”

Publisher Daniel Gerlach (47) of “Zenith”

Photo: The First/ARD

Zum Schluss seufzte Klamroth, der immer wieder wieder schlimmste Beschimpfungen Israels durchgehen liesß: “That was not a whole sendung.”