
Stadtrat soll Nutzung der Sportanlagen optimises

Stadtrat soll Nutzung der Sportanlagen optimises

Weil Vereine nicht mehr genug Platz haben: Stadtrat soll Nutzung der Aarauer Sportanlagen optimieren

I am Winter since the sports facilities in Aarau were closed down by 100 percent. It is a position for all that the association is facing a major problem. In the city parliament, a number of issues arise, who is in the situation.

The Schachen-Halle is – like the other Halls and Plätze in Aarau – complete beyond winter.

The Schachen-Halle is – like the other Halls and Plätze in Aarau – complete beyond winter.

Image: Pascal Meier

The Aarauer Sports Halls are open all night. Except in winter, the situation is prekär, thenn auch Sportvereine, which trains draussen in the summer, in the Hallen.