
Kogler sees Grüne as a “Durchsetzerpartei”

Kogler sees Grüne as a “Durchsetzerpartei”

Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler has represented the role of the Greens in the emerging coalition with the ÖVP. Once you have registered, you can no longer have any nature conservation parties, but a “Durchsetzerpartei” is an ORF “Sommergespräch” with all inputs for the renaturation policy. Postenschacher zwischen Schwarz and Grün cannot be recognised. Trotz jüngst can help more and more Anschlagspläne Kogler de geltenden Gesetze gegen Terrorismus für ausreichend.

After the war of NEOS chief Beate Meinl-Reisinger with the second party, which is for the national council meeting, the Questions of Martin Thür gestellt hat. The war never started with the activation of the Wespen-burästigt, the Auftritt for the Kulisse of the Traunsees could go over the donnerrollen. Dennoch has given Kogler a positive image of the Regierungspartei of the broadcast. In the Bereich der Gesundheit Minister Johannes Rauch has a lady made a decision about the way.

In the Postenbesetzungen submitted before the Wahl – and with the EU Commissioner and the National Bank – Kogler sees no party-political disagreements with the coalition partner. With the einst von ihm and ex-kanzler Sebastian Kurz a side letter that did not say everything: “It is yes eh a Blödsinn, was da steht.” Both personal separations can always be achieved in a balanced way. “We had thoroughly prepared our decisions, we had a green party and we knew nothing about it.”

By spreading migrants and migrants or to ensure that extremism will increase if the likelihood of migration increases at Taylor Swift’s Concerts in Vienna, nothing is clear. “If we have it clear, if Austria comes and in our house it will be that the House Order will stop”, he said. If you study one of the general rules, the word of religious religions is motivating extremists and the component of reporting.

Not if “climate terrorists” will see that the Green Chief will lead the climate clothes of the Letzten generation, the Tätigkeit will now no longer be carried out and the Kogler will not look critically – “we are so ist, the man in a democracy Mehrheiten gewinnen muss and nicht Mehrheiten nerven”. Kogler’s problem as Minister of Culture is another problem, which itself “the right picture of human health” can see with the color. “Von Van Gogh got a good feeling for the world climate from.”

The fact that the Greens themselves could be “enervt” by the coalition partner, will not be changed by Kogler (“The reason for this is that the ÖVP-General Secretariat is safe”). Beim von Klimaschutzministerin Leonore Gewessler durchgeboxten Renaturierungsgesetz gehe es um Naturschutz für entire Europa.

Fehler is Kogler who joined the Spitzenkandidaat at the EU-Wahl, Lena Schilling, who has created a false behavior in the world. If you want to prepare yourself, you can take this. “Sie arbeitet daran, sich zu verssern”, so the Party leader. When using the blessing, there is talk of an “unintelligent Wortwahl” who has made an “unintelligent Wortwahl”.

The question, where a new coalition with the ÖVP has appeared after the struggle of the Nationalratswahl, has the Kogler erwartungsgemäß. When you see a Wahlergebnis, the green role is a role in the government negotiations erlaubt, denn: “Klimaschutz kriegst du only mit Grün.” A role-playing game in parliament and a handyman will make Kogler auf jeden Fall.