
Energy supply is a. Azubi-Day of the Schleicher Group

Energy supply is a. Azubi-Day of the Schleicher Group

31.08.24 – The Umweltbildungszentrum Oberelsbach is open from August 19 to 21, 2024. If you see the Veranstaltung Wars, then there is a good chance that you will know the knowledge, that you will obtain your cudgels and gleichzeitig Fach- and Unternehmenswissen.

The Schleicher-Gruppe consists of four Schwester-Unternehmen, the GmbHs Electrical construction-Bellinger, Bagera Construction, BBP Planning and Projection sowie Pipeline construction Bellinger. Insgesamt new Niederlassungen erstrecken über die three Bundesländer Hesse, Bavaria and Thuringia with etwa 250 Mitarbeitern. Die Schleicher-Gruppe mit Hauptsitz in Neuhof is a fragmented partner in Bereich Energie-, Gas-, Wasser- und Datenversorgung. In the following list you will find the following images of the Gruppe: Elektroniker für Energie- en Gebäudetechnik, Elektroanlagenmonteur, Vermessungstechniker, Kaufleute für Büromanagement and Tiefbaufacharbeiter (all m/w/d).

At the Azubi-Tagen 2024 with intensive equipment.

Encapsulated chambers 20 Auszubildende aus four Lehrjahrenfun Ausbildungsberufen and three Bundesländern sisters. Simone Schleicherself-employed as a coach and expert for personal development with special attention to the Spannungsfeld Beruf, Familie en persoonlijk Weiterentwicklung (, Ehefrau of the Firmenchefs Marco Schleicher, greets the Teilnehmer heartily and eröffnete the Veranstaltung. If you can no longer use the creative sector, while you freeze and continue a self-chosen situation from the industry, it was with this connector the situation.

Another war and a Freud war that a new generation of the family of the Schleicher-Gruppe, in the Rohrleitungsbau, is preparing for – after each other’s death and Großvater. There is a thought that comes from the minds, a schraubenschlüssel ausgesucht and sagte stolz: “Wir sind der Schlüssel für eine hereditary success!”

Marco and Simone Schleicher presented the new Azubis 45-year heritage history of the Schleicher Group. Marco Schleicher war 1986 itself first Auszubildende des Unternehmens. This is a truthful, Career Opportunities das Unternehmen bietet. Stressed by the business leaders: “Obviously they are responsible for the construction of cables, cables, cables, cables, transformers, cables, cables, cables, cables and maintenance services or trade t – at the Schleicher-Gruppe we provide everything from a single source!”

The Marco Schleicher stand features a new brand with new Azubis Rede and Antwort. “I’m happy to have a great time! Bringing a lot of enthusiasm and support to our family with our family and friends! It’s worth it!”

Abwechslungsreiches program at the Schleicher-Gruppe

The program of the Azubi-Tage war fellfältig:

  • creative workshops for the development of expertise
  • E-Bike Tour through the Rhöner Landschaft, Geleihett von Reiner (
  • common grilling and cooking for the camera and cooking experience
  • interaktiver Finanzvortrag von Patrick Bauch zum Thema “Eigene Finanzen richtig management” (
  • Abschluss Quiz for the Festigung des Gelernten

Mountain bike tour.


The Azubi Days could be used with an interactive feedback round in all its components Erfahrungen, Erkenntnisse und constructive Verbesserungsvorschläge Austauschten. An Auszubildende said: “I was in the team with good results. Thank you, that is possible here! That is not self-intelligible.”

Benjamin Brähler, Leader Unternehmensentwicklung and personalconcrete: “Eure Ausbildung ist uns ein wichtiges Anliegen. Dies vergild voor eure berufliche Zukunft, für die Zukunft unserer Unternehmensgruppe und voor de Zukunft unseres Landes. Mit dem Ausbau von Netzen für Wind energy, Photovoltaic, Heat pumps and Electromobility let us take some weight.”

The Azubi-Tage was organized and organized by Henry Jäger (Ausbildungsleiter), Benjamin Brähler and Simone Schleicher.

Schleicher-Gruppe is committed to Ausbildung von Fach- und Führungskräften

The Schleicher-Gruppe said with the Azubi-Tagen final actions full of commitment for that Equipment and Entwicklung der Fach- und Führungskräfte of tomorrow. When people see such people, who are active with wool and an attractive package: exciting Further possibilities for photographyan abwechslungsreichen experience in one future safe locations and maybe Opportunities to get started.

If family and community affairs The large Schleicher Group continues with the business and a positive Arbeitsatmosphäre. Here you will not find any job, but a part of your vision, the energy sector that does this.

View left to right: Marco and Simone Schleicher.

Do you want to be the part that is being written? Then the Schleicher Group is focused on this! More information about education possibilities and career opportunities can be found at +++