
After fun years: Berliner Zoo with Panda-Nachwuchs

After fun years: Berliner Zoo with Panda-Nachwuchs

After five years in the Berlin Zoo with Panda-Nachwuchs erwartet. Das Pandaweibchen Meng Meng is with two young people trying, who are in the zoo at their service. “Nach Wochen spannenten Hoffens brach am Sonntagmorgen in Panda Garden of the Zoo Berlin a smaller Jubel aus. First war in a herzschlag, you can recognize a zweiter of the Ultraschallgerät zu.“ The Pandababies see a 2.5 Zentimeter bigger and more valuable than his Geburt jetzt nor ordentlich waiting.

2019 war Meng Meng zum ersten Mal trächtig and brought Zwillinge zur Welt. I think that these years a more intensive observation and careful development by international experts an artistic composition at the Panda are passed on. The female animals are only fortified for about 72 hours in the year. In the zoo concrete is now a man who has had years of fun with a great experience. There are more experts who have made the sunntag in China angry.

Kühles Ultraschall-Gel on Panda-Bauch

In ultraschall subjects, there is a way in which the Panda meadow is not outside the commerce. I’ve had a lot of fun skiing this afternoon. “Trotz sichtlichen Bauchkneifens ließ ich Meng Meng überzeugen, in de eenufrecht zu kommen und des kühle Ultraschall-Gel also the examination with the Ultraschall-Sonde zu akzeptieren”, said Thomas Hildebrandt, Head of the Department for Reproduction Management at Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- and Wildtierforschung, mit. The experience in Stehen has brought me joyful conclusion that Meng Meng is very effective.

The Freude in the team is very much been, we will have an ultra clean experience, which will see the zoo of Franziska Sutter, which will fall and a war will start. „If the begeisterung more than once in the clear, then the stadium of the Trächtigkeit and a sogenannte resorption – also an absterben of the embryos of that time, still possible.“

Before the war lasted a year, a sense of thrill died

The Entwicklung was further carried out with ultra-analysis and a hormonal analysis. “Wir hoffen sehr, dass alles genauso gutklappt wie beim letzten Mal 2019.” Damals was that first Panda Geburt in a German zoo, quite a sensation. The Zwillinge und e-instigen Publikumslieblinge Pit und Paule wurden inzwischen nach China ausgefllogen.

Now that people are getting involved, it becomes a problem and the weeks for the Zoo visitors are no longer visible. Male Jiao Qing (14) stopped with the Stellung for so long. Giant pandas are lonely and the males are not busy sucking up the youth in the wild.

The Tragzeit takes place in the Great Pandas in the Rule three to two months. Since the zoo is the only way the ground continues, it has been so long since the care of Meng Meng has made the best decision. “Otherwise when it comes to warming up the great pandas, it is so simple that Eizelle in the germutter wall gets a fertilization. Stattdessen stays the fertilized Eizelle for a certain time in the womb of the mumbling in a rest position. “The time frame can last more months, where the embryo does not continue to develop. The first beginning of the beginning of the pregnancy is an embryo that nestles.