
125 years of Alfred Hitchcock: Spannung und Abgründe

125 years of Alfred Hitchcock: Spannung und Abgründe

Status: 13.08.2024 12:41

There is a record of 20 years. Jahrhunderts and gilded as the Inventor of psychothrillers. In the 125 years that Alfred Hitchcock had born a war for his humor, he could not see his whole life.

Franziska Hoppen

The films look sweet for 64 years in the Kinos. A proud has still today wohl die meisten a Dusche vor Augen, a flashing mass and the entsette Gesicht der Heroine des Filmes, Janet Leigh. Alfred Hitchcock was known with “Psycho”, the magazine “Variety” as publication of the 20th. Jahrhunderts beschreibt: in a time for psycho and a time thenach.

Erklärte in einem amerikanischen Fernseh-Interview 1972, there was otherwise mache, so: “Nichts ist langweiliger als eine Kneipenschlägerei in a Western-Film. Was soll da passioneren? Dass Möbel kaputtgehen, Flaschen? Aber wenn man die Zuschauer mitnimmt, ihnen An idea that does not exist, arm, hand, then the man involved dies, falls scarier.”

The music, the music and the writing: With Janet Leigh in “Psycho,” Hitchcock delivers one of the best films in cinema.

“Psycho” as emerging genres

With “Psycho” Hitchcock started his Hollywood style and his Hollywood happy ending in 1960. A revolutionary development in the psychothriller genre. His nickname: Master of suspense, Meister der Spannung.

But Hitchcock could say more, if the factory goes into the factory. There is a war going on for my humor: There is a message about a man who is kommen, erzählte is one of the few in an interview. After the horror film has appeared, this horror film might be fun to do. Now, after Psycho, you have to scare yourself to sleep. There is only one thing that the cleaning entails, it is a cleaning company.

The war was a British humor, which was carried through time when Hitchcock in 1899 saw one of the Gemüsehändlers in the Londoner East End born. There is an appeal to the Theater in London, verschlang Krimis. If so, a filmmaker in the US is a war as a Londoner.

Start of the career in Germany

Hitchcock’s Road to Germany. Seinen very erersten Film drehte in 1925 in Munich. “Irrgarten der Leidenschaft” was a Melodrama – and thanks to it a Stummfilm, which Hitchcock explained in an interview. Den sein Deutsch keeps itself – nor – in Borders.

1966 Hitchcock appeared in the Politthriller “Der zerrissene Vorhang” and went to the German Orte in the American Studio nachbauen. Auf mittlerweile fast fließendem Deutsch erklärte er: “Wenn man is in an unfriendly place, the spannung ist mehr, das ist, weil ich habe Ostdeutschland gewählt.”

Tippi Hedren empfand die Dreharbeiten with Hitchcock as “hässlich, brutal and ruthless”.

Faszinatie voor die dunklen Seiten

Hitchcock was interested in Dunkle. In Abgründe, Guilt, Fear, Shame and Sex. As a Filmmaker there was Perfectionist. There is a plant that has a great chance on the film “Die Vögel”, as a gilded Meisterwerke.

Hitchcock set his headquarters counter in Tippi Hedren the attack on however Möwen, Krähen and Raben out. “Hässlich, brutal and merciless” is the reaction of Hedren Jahrzehnte später. When Hitchcock started working, he was robbed by the sixties in the 1960s and became sick. Alfred Hitchcock started in 1980 in Los Angeles at the age of 81, when he was granted the nobility by the Queen. Sir Alfred Hitchcock has directed a total of 53 films.

Franziska Hoppen, ARD London, Tagesschau, 13.08.2024 11:22 am