
Medigene AG will issue a Halbjahresbericht 2024 and provide an Unternehmensupdate

Medigene AG will issue a Halbjahresbericht 2024 and provide an Unternehmensupdate

Planegg/Martinsried (pta009/14.08.2024/07:30 UTC+2)

  • Bedeutende unternehmerische und nichtschaftliche Fortschritte im ersten Halbjahr 2024
  • Fortschritt des Hauptprogramms MDG1015: In Plan für Einreichung des IND -Antrags im 3. Quartal 2024 und CTA-Antrags im 4. Quartal 2024
  • Use the end-to-end technology platform and IP portfolios
  • Experience of the partnerships with new research cooperation with WuXi Biologics, the Medigenes first-class results for TCR-Generierung nutzt (August 2024)
  • Liquiditätsreichweite until July 2025
  • The next day, August 14, 2024, at 3:30 PM MESZ / 9:30 AM EST and Telephone support from

Medigene AG (Medigene or the “Company”, FWB: MDG1, Prime Standard) is an oncology platform, which specializes in the research and development of T-Zero Receptor (TCR)-controlled immunotherapies for the treatment of Krebs, which today the financing agreement is a last update on June 30, 2024 and has produced a message message that can be sent. The half-year report 2024 can be posted on the Company’s website:

Ausgewählte Finanzergebnisse for the first Halbjahr 2024:

The cumbersome in the reporting time of EUR 4.5 million, an increase of 46% was generated by EUR 3.1 million in the first half of 2023. This increase was carried out in 2023 as a result of the results of the Treaty commitment of Hongsheng Sciences HK Limited (EUR 1.5 million) and informed about the Partnership.

Die all costs for the costs of the companies will be reduced by 5% to 4.1 million by the end of 2024. EUR (6M 2023: EUR 4.3 million final shipping costs) in particular with low personal costs.

Research and Entwicklung costs are expected to grow by 21% in the first half of 2024 to EUR 6.3 million (6M 2023: EUR 5.2 million). The background is the focus on the development of TCR-T therapies (MDG1015, MDG2011 and MDG2021) with the treatment of solid tumors and the preparation of the clinical study (MDG1015).

That Net result initially half year 2024 improves itself in comparison to the first half year 2023 at 0.3 million. EUR to -6.7 million. EUR (6M 2023: -7.0 million EUR).

On June 30, 2024, you believe that the Mittel liquid stands at 14.0 million EUR (liquid Mittel and Festgelder as of December 31, 2023: 16.7 million EUR). No credit lines exist.

“We started in the year 2024 and can start with Halbjahr who have replaced all scientific file systems with an alternative strategy. So we have developed our end-to-end platform and developed a new technology, which is not innovative in the field of interferon mma (IFNγ ) Biosensor and our new TCR-specific antigen-antimicrobial combination technology, UniTope & TraCR. sister financial center,” says Selwyn Ho, CEO of Medigene. “We have concluded a hereditary capital increase in 2024, the overstatement was and gross receipts of approximately 5.9 million euros were lost. This measure will increase our financial position and liquidity range until July 2025. We have a new strategic partner with WuXi Biologics working, a number of TCRs in new modality, which a TCR-founded T-Zell-Engagern, aggregated, and thus also more value about TCR-T-Therapies ensures that patients can also take our action.”

Financial forecast 2024:

De Entwicklung im ersten Halbjahr 2024 entsprach de Erwartungen des Vorstands. Am 8. May 2024 reported the Unternehmen, which is an overseas Kapitalerhöhung with a Bruttoerlös of beef 5.9 Mio. EUR worn-out hat. The Unternehmen are forecasting and extending the liquidity resource until July 2025 (ursprüngliche Prognose 2024: Liquiditätsreichweite until April 2025).

The Research and Development costs could amount to an amount of EUR 11.0 to 13.0 million from EUR 11.5 to 13.5 million in the year 2024 one of its partners was active in the study, the first patients in the clinical phase 1 study MDG1015 until the end of 2024.

The Unternehmen stopped a seiner Prognose fest, which erwarteten in the year 2024 between 9.0 and 11.0 Mio. EUR lie were (unverändert).

These plans are implemented if they continue for a longer period from the besthenden partnerships, which are entered with higher probability (see Business Report 2023). If you have a strong potential for one of the new/new partnerships or transactions, you can solve the matters yourself or the time point and a number of matters that are taken over by the investment banks and the medical sector, no longer control or flow in.

Highlights of the bisherigen Projectwicklung:

MDG1015: MDG1015 is a novel guided generation TCR-T therapy based on NY-ESO-1/LAGE-1a (New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1/L Antigen Family Member-1a) in the context of HLA-A*02 (HLA, human leukocyte antigen) and by the PD1-41BB costimulatory Switch Protein Technology of the most advanced technology. Practical data, published at the AACR and CHI conferences in 2024, have reached the end of the potential of MDG1015, the clinical treatment of solid tumors with the innovative approach combining a 3S-TCR (specific, sensitive and safe) with the PD1-41BB costimulatory switch protein technology of the company, which allows for an optimized drug combination.

After positive interaction with the EU and US approval authorities, the financing of the IND agreements in the quarter and the CTA agreements in the fourth quarter of 2024 has been completed. Studying for MDG1015, I have started initiating the human.

MDG2011: MDG2011 is a potent first-class TCR-T therapy of the written generation, which works on KRAS G12V (HLA-A*11) and the costimulatory PD1-41BB switch protein works so well. The results of MDG2011 will take place at the International Neoantigen Summit and the CIMT-Jahrestagung 2024 will take place.

MDG2021: MDG2021 is the new Candidate within the KRAS Library, who is on KRAS G12D (HLA-A*11) and can receive the selection of the Lead Candidates for the Companies in June 2024.

MDG2012: The results of the candidates for the current information on the KRAS Abzielende Programm des Unternehmens, MDG2012, KRAS G12V (HLA-A*03), will be published in 2025.

Highlights in the Unternehmensentwicklung:

In May 2024, a capital increase with economic rights was carried out, the war and a gross profit of 5.9 million euros.

On August 8, 2024, at the founding of the Quartal, the Company, which is a triple strategic partner with WuXi Biologics, started a T-Zell Receptor (TCR)-controlled T-Zell Engager (TCR-TCEs) for the treatment of severe treatable tumors and their occurrence. The combined expertise of both companies – Medigenes 3S TCR generation and characteristic enhancement capabilities with WuXi Biologics’ unique Anti-CD3 MAb, works on the TCE platform and strengthens its own bispecific anti-body platform WuXiBody™. The companies are aiming for the joint effort of the TCR-TCE constructs, which will be found by both companies, with the option for the Medigene Detwicklung that we could use.

Erweiterung of the patent portfolios:

The comprehensive end-to-end platform is lightweight, a patent portfolio by the new technology that is there and that is the best to obtain patents in different jurisdictions. So there is a patent on the European patent for the innovative interferon gamma (IFNγ) biosensors of the unternehmens and new advanced T-Zell-Rezeptor (TCR)-specific antigen-antimicrobial combination technology, UniTope and TraCR, which are patented by the European Patent Office and the Japanese Patent Office for the Protection of Induzierbare Medigene-T-Zellrezeptor (iM-TCR)-Technology which provides the Patenting by the European Patent Office for the Protection of the TCR of the unternehmens, of NY-ESO-1 and LAGE 1a abzielt. Since June 30, 2024, the Patent Portfolio contains 97 original Patents and 124 original Patents (December 31, 2023: 28 Patent Families, 112 original Patentes and 131 original Patentes).

The company convened a telephony conference on August 14 at 3:30 PM MESZ / 9:30 AM EST. After funding for the first half of 2024 was secured, a new update on the company’s new partnership with WuXi Biologics was released (see press release from August 8, 2024), scheduled for release.

Find more information about telephony and webcast:

Date Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Era 15:30 MESZ (09:30 EDT)
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Im Anschluss an de Telefonkonferenz wird eine Aufzeichnung des Webcasts (in English) in Bereich Investoren & Medien auf der Medigene-Website versügbar sein:

— End of the press conference —

About Medigene AG

Medigene AG (FWB: MDG1) is an immunology platform focused on the development of T-Zell receptor (TCR) therapy with effective treatment by Krebs. The end-to-end platform generates optimal 3S (sensitive, specific and safe) T-Zell receptors with unique and uncontrolled properties, which work in varying therapeutic regimens with T-Zell receptor-modified T-Zell therapies (TCR-T), TCR-managed T-Zell engager therapies and TCR therapies with natural killer cells, so that the own product pipeline is developed as one of the partnerships.
The MDG1015 TCR-T medical program is a powerful novel TCR-T therapy with more robust tumor indications. The end-to-end platform technology works by treating the T-Zellen, an immunosuppressive tumor microtherapy (TME) with overwind, and the best care for the treatment of the T-Zell arzneimittel products, healthcare and the best therapy maxime iert. Medigene will execute in the MDG1015 TCR-T program in the 3rd quarter of 2024 in the IND region and in the 4th quarter of 2024 in the CTA region. For more information, please visit

Medigene AG
Pamela Keck
Phone: +49 89 2000 3333 01
Email address: [email protected]

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