
Translation management for FortgeschRITen – Universität Innsbruck

Translation management for FortgeschRITen – Universität Innsbruck

Translation management for FortgeschRITen – Universität Innsbruck

Daniela Denk from RWS at ihrem Gastvortrag at the Institut für Translationswissenschaft (INTRAWI)

Study of the translations became INTRAWI op de turmoil in mannigfaltigen Structures vorbereitet – von der Arbeit als Freiberufler: in bis hin zum Eintritt in riesige Übersetzungsdienste. One of the development principles is direct contact with the spray industry. With Daniela Denk from RWS, a high competence factor for a won Vortrag could be achieved.

Egal, ob Translator:innen in einem Einpersonenunternehmen mit einem selbst zusammengestellten Leistungsportfolio freiberuflich für eine individuell gewählte Klientel arbeiten oder ob sie sich unter Festanstellung in größere Strukturen integrieren: In einem Bereich müssen sie immer trittsicher sein, im Translationsmanagement. Which spelling is an organizational and economical inheritance of speech and culture transfer? Who wants to hurry up and the knowledge: innencommunikatie ab? Who organizes the team for larger volumes? Was it true a sprachmittlerian Leistung? With the fragments known from the master studies of the institutes for translation mathematics (INTRAWI) at Kurs Translationsmanagement (LV-Leitung: Martina Mayer), a solid basis for the best results of the legen. By the Grundprinzipien that these students are called, is the study brought into contact with the faculty of the speaking industry: it is possible to fulfill a task in a pulsating industry and the contacts with successful role models.

Daniela Denk from RWS, the international air service, is trying to find a solution. When the INTRAWI study is carried out, the writing of the project management in the Übersetzungsagencies is authorized and then the Operation Manager of the German Übersetzungsabteilung is at the RWS equipment organization. The ISO-certified company stops with approx. 1800 festangestellent Übersetzer:innen eenen beeindruckenden Pool an Translator:innen in-house ready. They work with that team and a huge orientation on their cooperation with freelancers: within a customer, who is world-wide – the 10 global top brands – with transfers, lectors and localization activities that work with language technology solutions.

There are now no more people who can call on the various sectors with law, technology, marketing, life sciences, IT, patents and finance, so it is possible to lose the guilt of one and the other. Daniela Thinks about the authentic INTRAWI research in the re-examination management process that has been developed and developed, and makes plans for a self-study, with translations and resource management at a Global Player gestaltet are must, a high quality qualitätsanforderungen pushing Fristen zugleich recht zu werden. Another brand offers the opportunity to tackle the back issue management and the leak processes, which provide an overview of the possibilities and which research relevant overviews of the problems of quality management with a problem. Abschließende Überlegungen zum sich aufgrund diversr KI-Anwendungen wandernden Berufsfeld, there are always new chances, rundeten den Vortrag ab, the aufgrund seines Realitätsbezugs a greater gain for the Jungtranslator:innen war.

Thanks Daniela Denk over de results van Alma Mater, who researches the results and gives new impetus to the fruitful collaboration with RWS.

(Martina Mayer, Institute for Translation Science)