
Golfhotel Breitenburg invests in greenhouse company BHKW-Technik

Golfhotel Breitenburg invests in greenhouse company BHKW-Technik

Blockheizkraftwerke is always an efficient form of energy efficiency, wenn a higher own energy and energy gegeben ist. So who is at the Golfhotel Breitenburg.

Mitten in Schleswig-Holstein, between Hamburg and the Nordseeküste, is the Golfhotel Breitenburg. For more than 500 years, my own family has lived in the nearby Schloss Breitenburg, and they are still a private family member. The hotel is located in a historic stable of information, which is the first choice to complete a new construction wurde. As an Ensemble-Denkmal, the Außenmauern der Stallungen were erhalten, the Rest of the Hotels were completely new built. For the benefit of the agricultural environment and the development of the hotel environment, this is the case Architectural office Lorenzen aus Flensburg responsible.

Old and new construction harmonize

Since the Fertigstellung paints the House over 80 rooms with more modern design. Warm fabrics, fell from the Breitenburger Forest and textiles that take care of their health. Great use is made of the surrounding areas with the golf area with 27 Loch-Anlage, which is unmittelbar at the hotel.

This means that it is very easy to eat Spa areathere are more saunas, four saunas and a large infinity swimming pool and various massage treatments available. More information about business meetings and family gatherings.

Views of the size of the areas and the energy consumption were unerlässlich, ein zkunftsweisendes Energiekonzept to ensure warmth and electricity supply. Schließlich sollten durch a sorgfältige Gebäudeenergieplanung sowohl Waste costs are spared as well as the Environment and Resources were given. The Heizungsanlage wurde vom Ingenieurbüro for technical Gebäudeausrüstung Pahl and Jacobsen planted in Heide and from Heizungsbauunternehmen Kurt Möller from Sarzbüttel ausgeführt.

Cascade BHKW Technology

Beim Golfhotel Breitenburg is strongly committed to investing highly efficient heat-heating coupling with block-heizkraftwerken almost auf. Die Wahl fiel dabei nicht nur auf eines, sondern auf zwei “neoTower-BHKW 20.0” des Niedersächsischen Herstellers RMB/Energie. The Geräte with jeweils 20 kW electric und 45.8 kW thermal Leistung wurden als Kaskade geschaltet. In summation, only the BHKW consists of 40 kW of electricity and 90 kW of heating for renovation. Damit, let’s take care of the repairs and remove the heavy burden. The width of the modulation range of both BHKW could be up to 10.7 kWel and 29.1 kWth were resettled. This avoids the hassle of taking care of food and other activities, flexible business strategies.

Two Blockheizkraftwerke “neoTower 20.0” are designed to last a long time during heating and storage. – © RMB/Energy

For high thermal requirements oder Spitzenlasten würden zwei Gas-Brennwertkessel “Buderus Logano plus KB 372-250” with jewels 250 kW installed. So that both BHKW and the gas generators are supplied with warm water first in a Heating Water Purifier with a Nennvolumen of 3,890 liters. You can also use a hydraulic system for Type Sinus I 250/150 and the thermally adjusted Heizkreisverteiler. Here we have two heating requirements with a temperature distribution of 80°C/60°C, for the construction of 250 kW with a volume flow of 10,936 m3/h, for the neutral and reserve with a volume of 19,686 m3/h. For possible experiences in the relationship there is a certain reserve connection available. Durch die Cash register If the combined Heizungsanlage is redundantly arranged, it is possible to provide individual storage space without having to pay for the hotel operations. Auch wartungsarbeiten could both be warmed up without having to be spared.

The combined heating technology is integrated into a large room for the hotel complex and stable buildings. More than just a living experience since the single Gebäude der Liegenschaft angeschlossen. If you have a BHKW company in your home, you guarantee that you will enjoy your stay, and that your hotel guests will never be disappointed.

Disruption-free operation

Festival supports: Blockheizkraftwerke who installed in the Golfhotel Breitenburg Kaskade could beitragen to optimize the energy efficiency. Durch die combined heat and power Since BHKW is the best source of energy from RMB/Energie, there is always a great deal of energy savings and care available in hotels. The desired Kaskadenlösung brings with it the repairer’s own flexibility with its own and other advantages. Dammit, you will also be able to enjoy more time during your visit. red/nz