
American Football: Two new NFL faces at RTL | Sportmix

American Football: Two new NFL faces at RTL | Sportmix

Reinforcement for NFL reporting at RTL!

The most evil NFL pro Kasim Edebali (34) comes from the Sendergruppe, one of the channels of Nitro in the magazine “NFL Sideline” for analysis of his program. Bisher war of the defensive end at ProSiebenSat.1 in the Rahmen of the ELF trainings, we can see even more things.

Jetzt also der Wechsel: Edebali is not the only Neuerung at „Sideline“. Das Format takes care of another Sendeplatz, viht vom Freitagabend auf de Montagabend (7.45 PM) Uhr um. The first show is on September 9, one of the first performance days in the Sonntagabend-zuvor zurückzublicken.

Neben of ex-pro Edebali, from 2014 to 2019 in the active war of the US-Liga, in the broadcast of the new Neuzugang zum Einsatz come: Mika Kaul comes from DAZN, where she was the first woman to comment on NFL parties last season. Both were punctuated by the live broadcasts of RTL and RTL+. Kaul is parallel to DAZN in Einsatz.

Expert Kasim Edebali, moderator Jan Stecker, co-host Jan Weinreich and commentator Mika Kaul (from left)

Expert Kasim Edebali, moderator Jan Stecker, co-host Jan Weinreich and commentator Mika Kaul (from left)

Photo: RTL/Ruprecht Stempell

During “NFL Sideline” by moderator Jan Stecker and co-host Jan Weinreich. It is an expert duo that regularly rewards guests. It is a lifestyle of Stars that focuses on the lifestyle of the stars and the active players of the NFL.

At the time the football match is broadcast on “NFL Aktuell” – Jewel Days at 7:45 p.m., moderated by Alessa-Luisa Naujoks and Marcel Klein.

When Nitro makes the live recordings, the Wochenende come loose. During the preseason on Saturday (August 17) was played: at 17:45 the Baltimore Ravens went to the Atlanta Falcons, and at 22:00 the Detroit Lions went to the Kansas City Chiefs. A week later on August 24 at 18:45 the kick-off from Detroit in Pittsburgh left.

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Höhenangst-Alarm!: Völlig verrückter Freibad-Sprung

Source: BILD/X

The NFL season starts on the night of September 6 (at 1:50) with the game between Super Bowl champion Kansas City and Baltimore – live on RTL on Free-TV. The transmission plan remains the same: On RTL, two live games are running on Sunday evening from 19:00 and 22:15. The game is played by the New York Giants against the Minnesota Vikings, who form the side of the Washington Commanders with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. You can watch another broadcast in the Live-Stream on RTL+. In the beginning, Atlanta dies in Pittsburgh.