
SV Lengerich-Handrup in Fokus after a strong start to the season

SV Lengerich-Handrup in Fokus after a strong start to the season

Football player Christian Feldmann looked at the current season and the new season for his wife during the FuPa summer check.

After a turbulent season, while a trainer-match was at war, he said that the SV Lengerich-Handrup was available for the start in the new playing time. “If the trainer goes through the tension and the team spirit in the season of the team, the class can look better. In him, Zug thanked his Fußballobmann Christian Feldmann for the work guided by Alexander Sredojevic.

The preparation for the new season takes longer and the season lasts longer over time. And the clarity seemed to bring. If a high training commitment to the intensive training was an absolute absolution, he was positive about the immunity and the training in the team. And I am finally at the first Saisonspiele. A 6:1 exit victory in the Cup, followed in the Liga two further victories. Meaning: Place one after two games.

The Soul Settling for the coming Saison is clearly defined: ‘Unser Ziel ist in de neuer Liga, erstmal een gesicherten Mittelfeldplatz z zu erreichen und natürlich wollen wir uns gegenüber der letzten Saison verbessern and versuchen, am End der Saison a bessere Platzierung (Anm. d . Ed.: Platz 11 im Vorjahr) zu erreichen.” Darüber continues until the main part of the game.

Feldmann sees the Teams von Emsbüren and Werlte as favorites. “Both Vereine has a super Jugendarbeit and generally a good Truppe, which can buy the Wiederaufstieg”, so seine Einschätzung. Both can contain federal and lost jewels that form a party.

Personnel are associated with SV Lengerich-Handrup. There are no Abgänge, who have more Neuzugänge, than Justus Stoll (U19 SV Meppen), Matthias Köhn (Victoria Gersten), Jacob Jansen and Mohamed Kija (next to Olympia Laxten) who see more Spieler from their own Reihen.

The next step is the unification of the coaching teams and the staff. “With Carlo Niemann, Flo Hensen and Thomas Rümpker we have an absolute top coaching team”, Feldmann states. My staff with Klaus Biermann festivities and Johannes Teepker (“Johnny”) helped Sarah Overberg as physiotherapist.

Zusätzlich is the team of the Obmann Christian Feldmann and the sports leader Jens Penniggeers by the two ehemalige Leistungsträger of the 1. Mannschaft verstärkt: David Nagelmann and David Sels. “Both super ins Team and brings an enormous amount of football with them.

“For both of them, together the Fußballabteilung became an absolute achievement,” says Feldmann. It was said that it is so, the man dies both from the Konzept des Vereins überzeugen konnte: “Super, that is what we can do with our own knowledge and that we are happy with them.”