
Start in the Landesliga: Bach-Team finds quick success

Start in the Landesliga: Bach-Team finds quick success

If it goes so well, it is so that TSV Straßberg can no longer help me. Stefan Bach and his men are busy with the summer of a while. In addition to the integration of several new arrivals, it is especially difficult to bring the turbulent round of the retired season out of the heads of the players. “There is relatively little money available and the integrity of the new life. Of course, it is true that young people, when it comes to the A-jugend players, have not come out so well, but that is the view of the matter, that four of their 17 years are still completely normal”, Bach stated.

When that happened, the game was a popular pastime on the platz.

Stefan Bach

Insgesamt new Partien bestritt der TSV Straßberg bisher – eightmal losß der Vorjahres-13. den Platz as Sieger. Other people go to SC 04 Tuttlingen (2:0) and to BSV 07 Schwenningen (3:1) in the third Runde des WFV-Pokals ein. “I have a positive attitude and absolute self-esteem. You can follow the training and play the game with confidence. We can continue to work hard and continue to work hard,” so Bach. The ex-Verbandsliga kicker will no longer know the best things: “It is now the Vorbereitung. It was a fact that the game had once become Empfingen on the Platz.”

Title candidate gastiert in Straßberg

Go play in the Wiederholungsspel in the WFV-Pokal-Echtelfinal against TSV Frommern in a 0:4-Heimniederlage. „Everything, was a bislang in der Vorbereitung ausgezeichnet hat, where I spent two games with Frommern nicht da. “We have been affected by false encounters, we have no luck and then we have the opportunity to perform our own musical performances,” says Bach

If the SG Empfingen is a guest in the Samstag a Topmannschaft in the Schmeien-Stadion, the TSV Straßberg everything is desired. „Sie zählen für mich neben Nagold, Zimmern und Croatia Reutlingen zu de Meisterschaftskansen. I think these four Mannschaften is a grim and conceivable thing, that’s how I fared for years while the Defendants were, who were looking for the desired places to play,” Bach prognostiziert.

95 percent of the people are not welcome

Trotz all der positiven Entwicklungen and Ergebnisse gab es in de abgelaufenen Wochen beim TSV Straßberg auch die gewohnten Tiefen der Vorbereitung. “We can play the Test game with the FV Bisingen black with 6:0 for our entscheiden, have our own trotzdem a bisschen dem Gegner angepasst and with 95 Prozent played. For me it is a matter of trust and that is the Jungs in the Anschluss in German. We will brauchen in jedem Spiel 100 Prozent en meer, weil man sonst schnell in eenine Abwärtsspirale rutschen kann“, so Bach.

Schwenningen-Spiel serves as the Main Stab

If it is not the case that you use the Rückserie der vergangen Saison, in der es die Schmeien-Kicker in 16 Spielen auf meager vier Pünktchen. The following ansprechende Leistung der first 45 Minuten in Pokalspiel gegen Schwenningen nimmt Bach eigenerseits als Maßstab dafür, wie is in de nouvelle Saison-laufen sollte. “The first half-time war is a good one and that is why we will be able to see it in the game of 90 minutes. A lot of aggressive and aggressive things can happen, the pace of the game increases, the tension increases and the ball gets blown a bit. It may not be possible to continue to exist. I’m good at things, that’s what I can do,” so Bach.

Combined tours to wanderings

After your visit in Staffel 3 steps for the TSV Straßberg neue Ziele in the Auswärtsfahrten auf dem Programm. Zwar found a positive argument from Bach, looking at how the story turned out: “I think it’s a good idea that Auswärtsspiele is not more than just gone since and that is natural for us. Trotzdem is a great damage, we will see how we can use a bus for welding and provide special experience and inner tension.”