
Violence against women who started working in the Youth

Violence against women who started working in the Youth

Four of the young women were affected © APA/dpa/Fabian Sommer

Violence against women who start in youth. 24 percent of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 worldwide have experienced abuse by male partners. A new study by experts from the WHO has said. For abroad, there is a high-quality solution for young women with their own progeny (within a year: five progeny).

“Walked by the intimate partner is a major problem with the welfare and human rights that is endemic in all states. More than 27 years ago of the woman in the change from 15 to 49 years, when the worldviews began, there were opportunities to be rolled by the intimate partner. 13 Prozent has spent the years in recent years, wrote Lynn Marie Sardinha (WHO-Genf) and her co-author in ‘Lancet Child & Adolescent Health’ of the Facts, which may not have been true.

The Wissenschafter führten jetzt een spezielle Analysis of information from the entsprechenden Datenbanken of Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) with Altersgruppe from 15- to 19-year-old Mädchen durch. The main story, i.e. the authors: “The physical and sexual experience of the intimate partner of 15 to 19 years of experience (Lebenszeit; Anm.) lies between 24 years and 16 years ago. That high quality is stark of the state and the world region – with a living example of Prozent in Georgian and 49 Prozent in Papua-Neuguinea.”

Try no longer to separate the life cycle of the disease by a doctor or sexologist who is now growing up in the 15-19 years and the alternative group of 15 to 49 years. Conclusion: Violence against women occurs in the most cases in youth.

The most important factors in the field of the global economy, so the issue: the highest interest rates are the largest debtor in the re-emergence of young women and a problem, which have solved both matters. Children are led to more legal experiences by the young women.

This problem is not Armut’s problem. Auch für die Staaten wiht a high gross national product gilded: In the Asia-Pazifik region there is 16 prozent der young physical or sexual walt (which is produced within a year). In Western Europe dieser Prozentsatz bei 18 Prozent (sechs Prozent innerhalb eines Jahres), in North America at 19 Prozent (Lebenszeit) bzw. eleven Prozent (vorangegaannes Jahr).

The research has brought forward the background material of the research: Zwölf Prozent der 15- to 19-jährigen Frauen haben bereits physische or sexuelle Gewalt for unin manlichen Intimpartner ertragen müssen. Innerhalb is dedicated to producing a young young dish for a year. Die Schweiz liegt mit zehn bzw. drei Prozent besser, Spanien mit zwölf bzw. four Prozent ähnlich. Für Deutschland gibt es in der Studie keine Informationen (Italian 14 bzw. fünf Prozent; French: 18 bzw. sieben Prozent).

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