
All important information about OWF 2024

All important information about OWF 2024

„Umsonst und draußen“ heißt is in the year 30 years ago. Mal in Dornstadt near Ulm. Von Donnerstag, 15. August, bis Samstag, 17. August, plays with others with Olli Schulz and Roy Bianco & the Abbrunzati Boys Obstwiesenfestival (OWF) – tradition complete free of charge.

The preparation for the festival start in full Gange. “Bei der Hitze is always a bisschen schwierig”, says Michael Gugelfuß, President of the Society, of the Festival of the “Lerchenberg” Jahr für Jahr auf die Beine stellt. The program is consistent.

Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag: Here you will find complete OWF programs

OWF starts with Film Evening

At Donnerstagend it is at 19 o’clock with free music and live music Django 3000 with “Bavarian Balkan Beats”, who are in the program. At 9.30 pm the big movie night starts with the film “Caveman”.

The OWF also finances the gastronomy of the festival. Trotzdem – oder deshalb – gelingt es Gugelfuß und seinem Team immer wieder hochkarätige Musik-Acts für OWF zu gewinnen. So who is Olli Schulz: With his young ones Album „Vom Rand der Zeit“ is the musical anniversary of the charts.

Auto oder ÖPNV: So come man zum OWF

Auto oder ÖPNV: So come man zum OWF

If you travel by car, you will be able to navigate your way around “Lerchenbergstraße in Dornstadt”. It’s all about beaching, that’s what the festivals are like Teile der B10 von Ulm kommend roads Construction work restricted sind. At festival regulations there is a charge for parking spaces, which cost four euros per day – or for all three days of euros. This is the bus line 49 from Ulm to Dornstadt. Diese Jahr fahren zwei Sonderbusse kostenlos zurück nach Ulm – um 1.30 Uhr und 2.30 Uhr.

Wiederholungstäter Olli Schulz und Roy Bianco

Zum OWF kehrt Schulz nach längerer Abstinenz nun zum vierten Mal zurück. „Die Zusage kam relativ schnell“, remembers sich Gugelfuß an die neuerliche Anfrage. “There is no positive experience here that Art and Weise have had in Erinnerung.” Auf der Bühne sthen wird der gebürtige Hamburger am Freitag from 22.25 Uhr.

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Olli Schulz is coming to the Obstwiesenfestival: More Hochkaräter to follow

Wiederkehrer since Roy Bianco & The Abbrunzati Boys. After 2019 we will continue to enjoy Italian culture in Dornstadt. If the duo will meet at 7.45 pm for the new Garden Stage in the “Obstlergarten”, who Gugelfuß’s team has gathered in the area, one day. This is special: It is a pleasure and a joyful experience and will be of great public interest.

Lauter is happy every day at Team Scheisse (Freitag, 0.20 Uhr, Hauptbühne) zu. Additional performances with King Boris on Saturday (10:25 PM, main stage) and alternating views of the German music scene. By 2023 there were Part of the Hamburger Gruppe Fettes Brot. As a soloist, there are all kinds of different sounds.

Discover New at OWF

Only the largest names could reveal those musical fans individually and also the other secrets. “The Slow Show is one of my favorite bands”, says Gugelfuß from the British group, which brings the program “reduzierten, with more epics Indie-Pop”. The Slow Show starts on Saturday, from 9.35 pm on the Zeltbühne.

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Daneben did not reform Gugelfuß nor die österreichische Musikerin Uche Yara (Samstag, 20.45 Uhr, Hauptbühne), Wine Lips from Kanada (Samstag, 23.25 Uhr, Zeltbühne) und die British Pop-Punk-Band English Teacher (Freitag, 20.55 Uhr, Hauptbühne).

Record of the past years

Let’s see if we can enjoy the USA Tour experiences, report back Gugelfuß. The road is steep after climbing. “If you are curious, you can enjoy playing in Ulm,” he says and laughs. Dieses Jahr kann man sie jedenfalls nogmal auf dem Lerchenberg sehen.

Im Vorjahr zählten die OWF-Macher an alle drei Festivaltagen round 27.000 Besucher – absolutere Kord. Ob dieser in diesem Jahr nochmals were knackt könnte? „That will come with more water“, stated by the Government. „Wir since umsonst und draußen. Wenn es regnet, kommen die Leute nicht. That is the problem with us,” so Gugelfuß.

OWF Program 2024

Thursday, August 15:

  • 7:30 PM: Groove-in with RoterfreibeuterMain stage
  • 8:15 PM: Django 3000Main stage
  • 9:30 p.m.: Caveman (Film)

Friday, August 16:

  • 5:00 PM: The EyesZeltstage
  • 5:30 PM: Those CarsMain stage
  • 6:10 PM: Cowboy LYFZeltstage
  • 6:50 PM: RachelMain stage
  • 7:45 PM: Roy Bianco & Those Abbrunzati BoysGarden Stage
  • 8:55 PM: English TeacherMain stage
  • 21.40 Uhr: Carlo KarachoZeltstage
  • 22.25 Uhr: Olli SchulzMain stage
  • 23.45 Uhr: GoldroggerZeltstage
  • 00.20 Uhr: Team ScheisseMain stage
  • 01.00 Uhr: SextileZeltstage
  • 02.10 Uhr: SlaughterhousebronxZeltstage

Saturday, August 17:

  • 13.30 Uhr: Mr Jan & SuperbandKids Show
  • 2.50 pm: RainbowheadMain stage
  • 3:25 PM: SonobluZeltstage
  • 4:00 PM: The new purityMain stage
  • 4:45 p.m.: LibraryZeltstage
  • 5:30 PM: TiavoMain stage
  • 6:15 p.m.: Cowboy LYFZeltstage
  • 19.05 Uhr: Anda MortsMain stage
  • 7:55 PM: MilleniumkidZeltstage
  • 8:45 PM: Uche YaraMain stage
  • 21.35 Uhr: The Slow ShowZeltstage
  • 22.25 Uhr: King BorisMain stage
  • 23.25 Uhr: Wine LipsZeltstage
  • 00.15 Uhr: Circa WavesMain stage
  • 01.00 Uhr: Flawless IssueZeltstage
  • 02.00 Uhr: AftershowZeltstage