
Buchweizen-Risotto mit Pfifferlingen Recipe – (ESSEN AND TRINKEN)

Buchweizen-Risotto mit Pfifferlingen Recipe – (ESSEN AND TRINKEN)

Schalotte und Knoblauch tein wurfeln. Pfifferlinge putzen, large Pfifferlinge halbiers. 20 g butter and 1 olive oil in top heat and scallops and button lauch at medium heat until glassy thins. Buchweizen en kurz andünsten. If we do it right and it is a quick way to prepare a meal. Provided that Brühe auffüllen, bis der Buchweizen knapp covered ist. In milder heat, cook for 20–25 minutes, do it after and after cooking, let it take longer.

For the leftover butter (20 g) and leftover oil (1 tbsp) heat in a pan and fry the poffertjes strips on a slightly higher heat for 4–5 minutes. With salt and Pfeffer würzen.

Freshly prepared cheese under the buchweizen-risotto and with salt, salt, musk and salt. Gorgonzola great zenzupfen. Buchweizen-Risotto with Pfifferlingen on vorgewärmten Tellern. With Gorgonzola and abzupften Kerbelblättern bestreuen and services.