
FH Burgenland: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Zukunft des Bildungswesens

FH Burgenland: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Zukunft des Bildungswesens

An der FH Burgenland was thought in the future and would have heard the relevant information about the knowledge in the past. A further education program extended the high school of the FH on the use of KI, aimed at Vor- and Nachteile and ermutigt Lehrkrafte, with the test modes to fit the active Zeitgeist. Bedeutet dies from his classical, written preparation and seminar, who wants to date his dates?

BURGENLAND. If our years of war are still not science fiction, the reality – that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in the Mitte der Gesellschaft, come and think of a thought, or in the Lehre. A seminar, where more people have done a research in the analysis, can now be described in a few minutes of one of the written documents and continue more difficult for teachers herauszufinden, welches Wissen von Schülerinnen und Schülern selbst erbracht wurde en wo eine KI behind de den Leistungen steckt.

A free offer der FH Burgenland, in Form eines Further training programs names ATHENS the high debt burden of the FH on the use of a KI over time, the night and night technology of the new technology has been thematized and the teaching has changed, and there are more ways in which you can think. But was bedeutet dies for Students, Students, Students and die Zukunft der Lehre in Burgenland?

With just a few clicks and a KI-können nun Hausaufgaben, complex Fragestellungen and Seminararbeiten innerhalb of few Minutes, teils Sekunden recherchiert, erstellt and written were. Auch burgenländische Schülerinnen en Schüler anyway Studierende machen immer häufiger davon Gebrauch. | Photo: Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

The AI ​​certificate

The Burgenländische Hochschule requires this EY European AI Barometerwhere he is in July and is going to investigate, the know-how, which is used and used more diverse AI system in Austria in Western Europe that can be easily changed. Laut barometer has arrived Austria 69 Prozent Erfahrung I am working on an AI. In comparison, in Western Europe, the experience value lies at 72 percent. It may be that the FH Burgenland has developed a study and study that is not specialized in an education with various AI systems schools, which can appeal to the discussions and the night of the new technology.

The Weiterbildungsprogramm der FH Burgenland ATHENA has been installed enclosed zehn modulegilded als Neuheit in de österreichische Bildungslandschaft und schließt, nach Absolvierung von sechs Modulen, met der Vergabe eines AI certificates and die Lehrenden der FH Burgenland. That free Angebot steht beef 800 main and nebenberuflichen Lehrenden an der FH zur Verfügung en were only taken in the first years of approximately 220 Teilnehmenden in Anspruch. From 2023 onwards, the Akademie Burgenland, as Tochter der FH Burgenland, started this explizite Schulung for Lehrende in Hinblick on KI and therefore has a Vorreiterposition in Bildungssektor ein.

“Für unsere Lehrenden bring de Nutzung von KI-Tools etwa in der Aufbereitung von Lehrunterlagen, Lernvideos usw. fell Vorteile. It is clear: The program with ChatGPT can provide a great insight, so that the user can use it more clearly. Barbara Geyer, expert for digital learning at FH BurgenlandThis is the basis for the FH instructional design and the team has developed the following new online module for the further education program.

The future of learning

Obwohl de KI new Möglichkeiten bietet, schnell en eeninfach an Informationen zu dependence, complex Themen und Fragestellungen in Kürze zammengefasst and erklärt zu bekommen and many Arbeitsschritte vereinfachen kann, so birgt sie auch some risksIt is a mittlerweile-bekannt, that can be a number of citizen-country female students and school AI systems ChatGPT for them Hausaufgaben und Seminararbeiten Useful and useful in high schools, you will always be able to learn from your educational background, which lessons you can learn from your students themselves and which KI-Tools you can learn from them.

KI-Systeme is one of the most advanced libraries and the Managers of FH Burgenland who are on the new knowledge, which can change the discussions about the different characteristics of the KI in the framework and the discussions of the night and the night of the system. | Photo: Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash

„Wir empfehlen all Lehrenden, ihren Prüfungsmodus critical zu überdenken“, so Geyer. The fast Weiterentwicklung of AI is a fact Thinking in the Classical Prüfungsmodi. The English Weiterbildungsprogramm of FH Burgenland will serve in its Austausch-zwische Lehrenden, a sich gemeinsam de Neuerungen through the fortschreitende Digitization of Lehre that sets and zukünftige, improved Prüfungsmodien zu find.

For Barbara Geyer, studying music can be repeated again Grundkompetenzen ohne de Einsatz von KI master. You can see that the Einsatz of KI in the Studium or in the Schule with the Einsatz is a bag calculator in mathematics education. The fundamentals of the rechenwege must be one of the bag calculators, one of the most important things that a bag calculator can bring to the height of the costs. So were also educated at colleges, while the study yields were ermutigt, Using AI Toolsthat has been consumed in the AI ​​system and a judge can be used. Geyer reminds, if the co-pilot’s Soul is an AI Tool, it is no longer used, after which the human labor is switched off. Vielmehr sei das Ziel, a AI as a Tool to recognize and assign these correctly.

For the Future of education if you see Geyer, while the house gets a weight in the final calculation, the digital house is no longer suitable for the search for a solution in Umfeld, in the area of ​​the Einsatz of KI-Tools, it is not possible to work more than ever schätzung and Gewichtung won. At Seminar activitiesSo Geyer, if ever the Einsatz became an AI source. Eine Plagiarism checking software Recognizes due to the fact that the content is not included, but it is also true that the text is not written down, but also a plagiarism, without further processing, but also due to the fact Ghostwriter understand.

There is no question of a wise choice in the weight phase. Where the Grundkompetenzen would develop in a certain way, it would be that the right direction with KI comes into turmoil, if they are in the Bildungswesen, even more. That must be berücksichtigt in the Zukunft der Lehre. | Photo: Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

In the past, a Change of roles in class zimmer and I will keep the feast. Lehrende sind nicht mehr diese alwissenden Wesen, welche innehaben alle Weisheit. Become Vielmehr Lehrkräfte zu LernbegleitendenThe teaching model of “Reverse Class” If the context is more interesting, if schülerinnen and schüler want to do that, the house of Lerninhalte will deal with the classification or the hörsaal of his beziehungsweise anzuwenden. Zum Abschluss remembers Geyer that this is not a concern, that the Ansprüche and Studying sink, including her steps, the Inhalte can no longer be a problem, aber Müssen fellmehr understandings and used. “Wir beiten derzeit mit der badtest KI, die wir jemals haben zijn”, schließt si ab and erinnert, dass der Einsatz von KI nicht weniger, would be made more and sich darauf im Bereich des Bildungswesens are in the Berufswelt Input is required.

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