
Basel: Em Bebbi sy Jazz feiert Geburtstag – Basel

Basel: Em Bebbi sy Jazz feiert Geburtstag – Basel

Hotel Basel as a Birthplace

Festival festival is the Hotel Basel on Rümelinsplatz and Spalenberg – also Gasthaus, which is in the right place in September. In 1984, the hotel director Otti Baeriswyl came together with Ernst Mutschler, the management of the Basler Kantonalbank (BKB), who gave the jazz friends Urs Philipp Hug and Ruedi Müller the anlass from the Taufe.

Musician from 1984 dabei

Hug, who attended the very first Festival as a musician on the stage, remembers: “Otti Baeriswyl vom Hotel Basel if I was there, that I was active in the jazz scene,” he said. So bye then, the Festival will be held at the Hotel Zustandde. In 2014, Baeriswyl had an Auszeichnung for the Grundstein zum Festival, found. The name of the Jazzfestes started with a BKB-Werbe slogan. Under the motto „Em Bebbi sy Bangg“ we lived together with our seats. The war between the bands from the amateur neighborhood in the Basel region and the Dreiland destination, which took place in the program half of the summer of 1984, was broadcast.