
Pfullendorf: I am Stadtsee since the Enten los

Pfullendorf: I am Stadtsee since the Enten los

Pfullendorf – Was it an “Enten Race”? Were it 20.¦October at 4 pm zum Stadtsee kommt, Zeuge could become a solo race and so there were wins. The main prize is an e-scooter worth 1000 euros, a travel ticket worth 750 euros, two Apple Watches 8, Tageskarten for the Spieleland, the Affenberg, Energie- and Jahreskarten for the Freibad, Segelflug and much more . Losses for the “Rennenten” were reported at the end of August at the Bergfest in Aftholderberg, the Herbstmarkt in Wald, at the Oktoberfest der Stadtmusik, at the Wochenmärkten in Pfullendorf and another Verkaufsstellen.

There is a problem with the Unterstützung der Feuerwehr Pfullendorf, which statt. The Feuerwehr, i.e. the war of Kommandant Dieter Müller with the inheritance, would be a cause of action for Strömung and Streckenführung.

150,000 euros from the Rotary Club Pfullendorf-Meßkirch in the passing of the years for the social Zwecke in Raum Pfullendorf-Meßkirch, for international Hilfsprojects or the Flutkatastrophe in the Ahrtal spentendet, part of the Wohltätigkeitsclub mit. First of all, we are now in the Zusammenhang with the sales packages from the Wirtschaftsinitiative Pfullendorf to organize a “Entenlopen” on the city lake. There is a job well done with caring for children in Pfullendorf. In particular, the Jugendhilfestation Pfullendorf would be unterstützt. This power Jugendlichen tagesstructurierende, pädagogische Angebote. This is the first day of sales on October 20 under the motto “Jugend und Bewegung” – and that is the Enten-Spektakel good news. “The Rotary Club has a question about a group and it has made a good impression. “The gift you receive will always be more of a city festival,” said Katrin Klaiber from Organizationsteam. The Rotary Club has been founded, the “Enten Races” in Zukunft regularly, abwechselnd in Pfullendorf and Meßkirch, anzubiten.