
Insel Neuwerk: Neuwerk ist in Gefahr: een Gespräch mit dem Inselbürgermeister

Insel Neuwerk: Neuwerk ist in Gefahr: een Gespräch mit dem Inselbürgermeister

© Florian Thoss for DIE ZEIT

Dear reader, dear reader,

when I lived in Prague and Berlin for a few weeks, it was Wunderbares: Der Zug war verspätet. This was indeed so great, we are not “mein” ICE war, with the time plan behind it, without any other, fresh connection direction Hamburg. Obwohl mein Ticket für einen others Zug gebucht war, ließ die frundliche Schaffnerin michfahren. So I quickly comb a stunde when I plan a house.

A moment that came to mind when I came to the Strecke Hamburg one of the years–Berlin underground container. It could be that the Lebenszeit is lost. From now on and around mid-December, the streets were closed for traffic and work. It is sold when the temperature lasts 45 minutes longer.

Come summer, follow more Sperrungen, vermutlich bis zum Frühling 2026. In this Zeit plant der Bahnkonzern that sogenannte Generalsanierung, both of the more as 40 fell the Strecken in Deutschland modernization were sollen.

A number of teachers and instructors had a great time, who can work here with my thoughts, almost as emotional Weichenstellen for the nice Fahrten nach Berlin:

The teacher Christel H. zum Beispiel hat auf der Strecke ebenfalls de allesreuliche Erfahrung gemacht, before the time plan has its signal. “The duration of the Zugführers is lautete: ›Wir was arrived a few minutes later. Grund dafür: kein verspäteter Zug for us and a Zugführer,’s kann.‹”

Der Zug von Anna G. hinges war behindher:

“A dem Tag der overschwemmungen in Bayern kamen die Züge aus Munich with unglaublicher Verspätung in Berlin and. The war was Abend, and the Zugbegleiter keeps a cold, very vrevenving Ansprache, which has another jetzt greater Sorgen as wir. It said: ›Wir woolen all nach Hause.

Juliana V. wrote in this email from the family, if the Masses at the Hamburger Hauptbahnhof were to be missed by the ICE, there would be no further delays in Altona: “Regelmäßig kommen dann kurze, freundliche Gespräche zwischen fremden auf, in dem bewusstsein: Wer jetzt noch im Zug ist, lebt wahrscheinlich here and teilt ähnliche Gefühle zu Hamburg.

Markus M., who regularly operates in Berlin, saved the situation, which a young Mann-freundin now brings to the market on the platz – then the Zug is not rightly for the Abfahrt-verlassen konnte, because of the gang fuller Fahrgäste-war. “If

Dann een Zugbegleiter kam en nach dem Ticket Fragde, erzählte der Mann, was passionert war, found guilty of sich endmal and wolllte buy a Ticket. Der Zugbegleiter aber sagte: ›Jetzt bleiben Sie mal schön bei Ihrer Freundin sitzen and nutzen die Zeit, sich zu verabschied. Die Fahrt is auf uns.‹

And Nick H., who was walking a Weile-weg, wrote one, who stopped at a signaler Fahrten nach Berlin the ICE-Türen at Hauptbahnhof öffneten, der Zug aber nicht. “The holiday destinations, which have emerged from the longest road in the city, are not worth a stop. I always have a journey on the road for the next few days.”

If you notice anything, it becomes a fuller problem in the week of your life.

Bis bald,

Your Viola Diem

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© Marcus Brandt/​dpa

Children and young people can start their new debts from 1 September. September free for the Deutschlandticket. The Angebot concerns 210,000 Schülerinnen and Schüler, the Senate estimates that 168,000 are used. The city will incur the costs: 14 million euros if the Haushalt is a plant. 99 Million Euro in the coming years.

To the Vereidigung von 429 Lehramtsreferendarinnen en -referendaren
At a Senate vote in the Rathaus, the money in Hamburg is so big that the teaching staff is not so good. First of all – together with the referendums in August 2023 and February 2024 – the maximum education capacity of 1,350 will be achieved, which has set the debt as a target, so Schulsenator in Ksenija Bekeris (SPD).

For six times this was Mal Miniature wonderland in an overview of the credibility of the German Sehenswürdigkeit Deutschlands gewählt. More than 25,000 tourists from Australia have taken advantage of the Deutschen Zentrale für Tourismus an der Onlineumfrage. Auf dem zweiten en drieten Platz landeten der Europapark in Rust en das Phantasialand in Brühl. Die Stadt Hamburg invested Platz 14.

In all times

• Bereits am Mittwochabend since in Langenhorn
Neun Menschen teils schwer verletzt be, als een balcony op de stock een Mehrfamilienhauses in etwa neun Meter Höhe abbrach
take a look after your next chicken. That Ursache is not cleared • Das Dockville Festival has started in Wilhelmsburg, 60,000 guests were there


© Manuel Stark for THAT TIME

“Wir wollen kein zweites Sylt were”

Tourism is flourishing at the Wattenmeer. Despite this, two of the four hoteliers want to be aware – and other people are lighter.
ZEIT:Hamburg editor Annika Lasarzik with her Inselbürgermeister telefoniert. Read Click here for an interview.

Die kleine Nordseeinsel Neuwerk is a city of Hamburg, located 100 kilometers from the Luftline entfernt because in the Norddeutschen Cotton Lake
lies (read more about this connection here). Only 21 people live on this island, rest and relaxation are spread out. Now the new job is in danger: the family with children has been sucked away for a few years, the village school has to close, the rest of the employees and the residents are getting longer and longer. Now two hoteliers want to apply – they can spend their money on New work only four hotels. Who can be a man who deals with tourism and makes tourism so broad, that the interior is not lost in its special character? Christian Griebel, who is the island mayor of New work, has a few ideas. A conversation about seascapes and electro parties, “Tatort”-Thresholds and the Wohnungsnot in Watt.

TIME ONLINE: Herr Griebel, as Inselwart since Sie das Gesicht von Neuwerk, Sie since auf der Insel born and defrauded. Nun wollen Sie Ihr Hoteldichtmachen. Are the woolen ones gone?

Christian Griebel: I will not leave! New work is a paradise – this peace, this pasture is only found very rarely in the world. The island is my home, my family is here for 18. Jahrhundert. If you sell off the hotel. After 27 years a problem can occur.

TIME ONLINE: At 53 years old, it won’t be long before the rent price increases.

It is not possible to work. Aber ich will was Neues ausprobieren. I am a Draußenkind, I sit there before everyone in the office, order in our restaurant kitchen. I could enjoy my food, in Zukunft Krabbentouren für Gäste anzubiten – durchs Watt zum Priel wandered, with a tradition of Schiebenetz Krabben fangen, danach jijsammen Brot backen, so was. It’s a good gut.

TIME ONLINE: Nicht nur Sie wollen Ihr Hotel auf Neuwerk schließen. If the Alte Fischerhaus takes more than 100 years to meet a family, there is a new Pächter. Auf Neuwerk now offers four hotels. Would you like to know more about tourism?

If so, it will last a summer if it goes well. In the Corona time, the Zahl der Tagesgäste is a light brooch, after it has entered. It is a generation fragment: from the moment a child’s child is sucked away, then it is a matter of life, a bet of youth. That is different. My children live on the Festland and wollen nicht on the Insel. Hans-Werner Fock, from the Fischerhauses, in Rente, in the kinderwollen hotel not nearby.

Warum auf Neuwerk so wenige Menschen live and wellche Möglichkeiten die Insel für die Zukunft bietet, read more in the new phase of ZEIT ONLINE.

Full interview


© Anelia Janeva

“Das ist halt in unserem Game (as Mutter). Halb Mensch, Halb Ameise. Man hat alles dabei.”

With 15 countries Jasmin Wagner from Hamburg, also known as Blümchen,

with the song “Herz an Herz” a hit. It’s Mutter, what a Leidenschaft is for Backen – and not for the music either. Did you see everything in the podcast “Und was machst du am Wochenende?” This is what it’s all about Following.


The Bücherhallen in all Stadtteilen have a great program. And you are not alone in the book! Viele Angebote auf Kinder und Jugendliche, in de Ferien wird das Programm noch erweitert.


Do you hear it too? BAAA-Dam! © Biggi Klier


For a few days I will travel along the Rad den Nagelsweg hoch Richtung Bahnhof. This Straße works over time as time passes. It is a man standing on the edge of the Baustelle who says: “I am spanned, but I am not alive, I am not able to build here.”

Reply with a smile: “Come on, we’ll last forever!”

Gehört von Anja Oltmanns, 79 years old


21 Hamburger im Watt (Z+) – Neuwerk, Insel in der Nordsee, lived since 60 years in Bezirk Mitte. Warum eigentlich?

“Wir wollen kein zweites Sylt were” (Z+) – Auf Neuwerk im Wattenmeer boomt der Tourismus. Trotzdem wollen two of the four hoteliers are aware – and other people are lighter. Ein Anruf beim Inselbürgermeister

Jasmin Wagner: “I don’t have any damage, neither do I have beautiful flowers” – Die Neunziger erleben ihr Revival. And the singer of Jasmin Wagner has played a role in financing a role and back on the Wochenende with Fantakuchen.