
Who else could thoroughly understand the Kita Start

Who else could thoroughly understand the Kita Start

“It may take a certain amount of time, but it’s a kind of new betting situation that forms a foundation and works like that. If you see how it is and if you take your time,” see Martina Kokorsch’s erzie intervention. If you start the Kita-Start in the Absprache with the Fachkraft movements in the group and take the tag out of the Kindes before you go along the scaffolding – if you make a good start.

“The gradual introduction avoids the over-education and supports the child, who at his own pace trusts to build up new contacts for the place”, according to the expert of the Catholic Youth Foundation of the Diocese Augsburg e. V. (KJF Augsburg). “The person who kind of accompanies – such as mother, father, grandmother or grandfather – is, so to speak, present, if he is not actively playing games, then he is a kind of base that is released and free for new contacts.”

So you can help your child with Kita-Start

  • Anticipation weekend: If you with Hilfe von Bilderbüchern zum Thema, positive painting and spaziergängen zur Kita, you will see the Freude des Kindes in the Veränderung. Before you start collecting the Brotzeitdose, the Backpack and the Hausschuhe, you can use the Vorfreude scaffolding.
  • Stories with me: A housekeeper – and a kisser – can provide a kind of security and certainty in the new situation.
  • Festive cancellations: Lassen Sie das Kind antagch een gleiche Zeit und mit der gleichen Person in de Kita gehen. It is good that the morning with clearing and fertilizing machines continues. So it’s a matter of swearing in the new world. Versuchen Sie auch – so gut es geht – zuätzliche Veränderungen in der Übergangszeit zu vermeiden. Stehen parallel weitere Neuerungen an, kann es passioneren, dass diese das child überfordern.
  • Discussion about the exit ritual: If you are aware that there are a few small rituals, then the kind of orientation method and all the stakes in the treatment of the new situation are higher. This ritual can be performed with your heart, so that the trust basis becomes stronger.
  • Safety warning: Only for children, as well as for parents, the trennungsituation after the Kita-Start is often associated with problems and worries. It is so that it is so that you can understand the results of your research and use your own trennungsschmerz. It is a fact that a limitation of the processing is good. If you are concerned with the processing of the criticism or Kita, you can lend a hand to erase.
  • Emotions associated with this: If you keep your child outside the regulations, you should do this and stop – if it is bad or through the journey. Let the child’s feeling go and comfort him.
  • End of work welding: If the Kitabesuch has a Kinder meist Zeit, there is a problem with verarbeiten. Make sure to keep an eye on the rest of the time if it is a bit restless.