
First and foremost retten Mann das Leben

First and foremost retten Mann das Leben

  1. SauerlandKurier
  2. HSK
  3. Knife sheath

A spaziergang in the Hennesee has caused a dramatic event. A man comes together. Thanks to the mobile phone, the story ends with a Happy End.

Meschede – The “Mobilen Retter”, a network of the Helfern service, which is carried out by app with non-alarmed alarm messages, has produced some results. During the Hochsauerlandkreis, the coordination of the Helfer in the Kreis area, a message reports about another problem.

Spaziergang am Hennesee: Enjoy your life

On January 7, 2024 there will be a dramatic Vorfall at Hennesee in Meschede. The 78-year-old Mescheder Johannes Stratmann had a spaziergang with signalman Frau Barbara Schilling-Stratmann during some time and had a review. An answer from Ersthelfer started the animation so quickly that all the time his professional resuscitation could have started. Nur few minutes after these notrf erreichten the Mobilen Retter Jonathan Gerlach and Stefan Büngener the Ort des Geschehens and overnahmen gemeinsam with the a striking Rettungsdienst the Reanimationsmaßnahmen.

On Monday, Thursday, August 15, Johannes Stratmann accepted a personal expression of gratitude. In the Center for Fire Protection and Rescue in the Hochsauerland districts, it is as follows: “I think I will never have a rescue again, I am so grateful that I can live my life and convey my personal gratitude”. Mrs. Barbara Schilling-Stratmann has expressed her gratitude for mobile telephony and it is always possible to save with her husband.

Photo: from left to right Nicole Gerke, Johannes Stratmann, Barbara Schilling-Stratmann, Jonathan Gerlach and Stefan Büngener.
Photo: from left to right Nicole Gerke, Johannes Stratmann, Barbara Schilling-Stratmann, Jonathan Gerlach and Stefan Büngener. © Pressestelle Hochsauerlandkreis

“Mobile Retter” in HSK: Jede Sekunde zählt

Stefan Büngener has called on the mobile retter of a lifetime. For Jonathan Gerlach, the war hinged on January 7 during the Einsatz. Both people were unique in themselves: “We have a positive experience with each other, for all that we have to deal with naturally, because our experience is good and we are able to share our thoughts with each other.”

Nicole Gerke, coordinator for the “Mobile Retter HSK” project at the “Rettungsdienst/Feuer- und Katastrofenschutz” Department, gave the Bedeutung dieser Ereignisse: “Dieser Vorfall unterstreicht die immense Bedeutung von Laienreanimation und der schnellen Verfügbarkeit von Mobilen Rettern”. Once you have done this, you can do this and the short response will continue to another human.

Übrigens: The Health Office of the Hochsauerlandkreises actively warns Hundehalter in the Vierbeiner in the Hennesee in the Sauerland in the lassen. The soil is a verunreinigung by Blaualgen.