
Unterwasser-Modelshooting – Badenerin möchte brechen Guinness-Weltrekord

Unterwasser-Modelshooting – Badenerin möchte brechen Guinness-Weltrekord

The best price for the best Unterwasser Model Shooting in the World is at 40.2 meters and those woolen Christin Gerstorfer and Filip Blommaert are now at 45 meters.

It is an exciting quest titled ‘Wings in the Deep’ at Deepspot in Warsaw, Poland, where one of the deepest Indoor-Tauchbecken der Welt is found, while the project is being executed. This Underwater Shooting was all-inclusive, the man of a Fashion Shooting consisted of: Lighting, Make-up (by Visagiste Marike De Meester), Styling and the Berichterstattung behind the Kulissen.

“Wings in the Deep”: Christin Gerstorfer and Filip Blommaert were able to win Guinness Weltrekord in tenth Unterwasser-Modelshooting der Welt

Christin Gerstorfer at an Unterwasser Model Shooting in a Höhle in April 2024.


There is an organizer of a ‘physical, technical and artistic investigation’, Blommaert as photographer and equipment collector at 45 meters from the investigation and the gerstorfer as model and Freitaucher in the equipment collector’s bottle in the deep jewels that have been made, one of your models.

“Wings in the Deep”: Christin Gerstorfer and Filip Blommaert were able to win Guinness Weltrekord in tenth Unterwasser-Modelshooting der Welt

Filip Blommaert.


Both were assisted by their security guards, media assistants and make-up artists. Tried with the Ganze in the Samstag and in the Sonntag, August 25, then for the Guinness Weltrekord in the Tat-omgesetzt.

“Wings in the Deep”: Christin Gerstorfer and Filip Blommaert were able to win Guinness Weltrekord in tenth Unterwasser-Modelshooting der Welt

Ankündigung für den Weltrekordversuch.

Lemurvision & Christin Gerstorfer

When the shooting came up under the title “Wings in the Deep”, man thought about it, was the motivation to go. All persons involved, including Blommaert and Gerstorfer, are experts in their physical and mental training with adaptation, it was the experience that gives this welfare organization so much more power, heißt es.

Worldwide active sport

Apnoe-bzw. Freitauchen is an aspiring sports world, but as it grows, faith becomes erfreut.

„Beim Anoetauchen is a challenge, with an atmosphere that is so intense, so long and/or so long that it is possible to take it. It is with a large amount of physical and mentally strengthened in itself, for all the pressure, of the body in the body, is enormous and can bring these extremes, requires intensive mental training and long-term physical adaptation,” with Christin Gerstorfer .

When we take a picture of the Unterwasser photography during the Unterwasseraufnahmen, it can often happen that it is a country that looks like Gerstorfer.

Details of persons in Kürze:

Christin Gerstorfer from Baden is with 25 years 8-year-olds and one of the many national championships in the Freitauchen, Number 1 of the Women in Tieftauchen, Platz 2 during the 2024 World Cup and the World Championships for Olympia in 2024.

They work as instructors for the Freitauchen and Unterwassermodel in Austria and the world. The 25-year-olds of the sport in Austria can train machines and their entire career with coaching for mental performance, stress training and team building during the free time of organizations and private individuals.

Due to the fact that Gerstorfer has studied tourism and management, there are individual coaching, training, workshops and volunteer courses and a good choice for sponsorship and cooperation.

Filip Blommaert This Belgian military camp trooper and underwasher photographs his chef Blom Teil of the Belgian VTM-Fernsehsendung Special Forces. Neben seiner Beit bei de Verteidigungsstreitkräften betreibt er Unterwassermodellfotografie as well as artistic Betätigung.

Tolle Erfolge von Gerstorfer jijetzt auf de Philippines

During CMAS World Cup Depth in June 2024 in the Philippines, 25-year-old Badenerin Christin Gerstorfer was included in all Disziplines: CWT (Monofin, eine Flossen), CWTB (Bi Fins, zwei Flossen), CNF (No Fins, ohne Flossen) and FIM (Free Immersion, am Seil hinunter-/hinaufziehen with the Arms).

If you are 63 meters in CWT, CWTB and FIM, you are 47 meters in CNF and you have achieved a new national ranking in all of them, then the ranking of the CMAS organization is higher than yours.

It is safe to play at the World Cup on the uniform platz in the Top 3 and on the second place of the women and on the silver medal for Austria. In all cases where CMAS was on Platz 1 in Austria, the AIDA-Ranking (other organization) and the AIDA National Records for Number 1 in Austria and the 8-fachen National Record Holders were taken over.

“Wings in the Deep”: Christin Gerstorfer and Filip Blommaert were able to win Guinness Weltrekord in tenth Unterwasser-Modelshooting der Welt

Christin Gerstorfer.

Vince Yves Torayno Zamora

After Gerstorfer of ÖVP Mayor Stefan Szirucsek joined the Philippine War, he said the following: “These achievements are never trusted by anyone who is involved in this sport, but they can no longer be viewed and no longer be estimated.”

Zum Werdegang by Christin Gerstorfer

Christin was a child as a child more under water as a country that brings a find-and-guard-itself-schnell with its own Monofin das Tauchen and Luftanhalten. Bereits als 12-jährige tauchte sie af 15 Metern Tiefe.

At the age of 16 he began his professional sports career, while training with the Welfare Belt, Ausbildungen abschloss and working as an Unterwassermodel. It may be that Luft lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

The young Badenerin has given the Welfare Insurance a great Soul for Augen. During the Olympic Games in Paris the war was one of the events in the war, but the Freitauchen spätestens during the American summer games in eight years first Olympic games during the war. “Then will be for Austria there. My best year comes right”, says Christian Gerstorfer.

Info below: